Data Centers
DC Networks
Spine-and-leaf fabric design. [ipSpace]
Mythical use case: TE for DC backups. [ipSpace]
DC fabric designs - size matters. [ipSpace]
Layer 3 handoff (L3Out) in VXLAN/EVPN fabrics. [ipSpace]
Valley-free routing in spine/leaf topology. [Lost In Transit]
The importance of securing east-west traffic - and how it can be done. [The Register]
What happened to leave switches with four uplinks? [ipSpace]
Packet buffers in DC ASICs. [ipSpace]
External links on spine switches. [ipSpace]
Leaf-and-spine fabrics between theory and reality. [ipSpace]
Packet buffers in DC ASICs. [ipSpace]
How many spines should a leaf-and-spine fabric have? [ipSpace]
Designing active/active and DR DCs. [ipSpace]
Is it time to replace TCP in data centres? [ipSpace]
DC network automation intro -- an onion-based architecture. [Packet Pushers]
Why we need a new network architecture to connect DCs in the cloud. [DC Knowledge]
EVPN/VXLAN or bridged DC fabric? [ipSpace]
Latency matters when migrating workloads. [ipSpace] [Lawrence Jones]
VXLAN-to-VXLAN bridging in DCI environments. [ipSpace]
Understanding DC fabrics - Link state protocol in the underlay. [Packet Pushers, YouTube]
Understanding DC fabrics - BGP underlay. [Packet Pushers, YouTube]
Understanding DC fabrics - Clos scaling. [Packet Pushers, YouTube]
Understanding DC fabrics - Characteristics. [Packet Pushers, YouTube]
Building a small DC fabric with four switches. [ipSpace]
Thoughts on the collapsed spine. [Russ White]
Switching to IP fabrics. [ipSpace] [Namex Bits]
Rethinking BGP in the DC. [ipSpace] [CHI-NOG YouTube]
Packet bursts in DC fabrics. [ipSpace]
Does small packet forwarding performance matter in DC switches? [ipSpace]
Rethinking BGP in the DC fabric. [Russ White: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5]
Eliminate east-west traffic hair-pinning. [Network Computing]
Chasing CRC errors in a DC fabric. [ipSpace]
Building secure L2 DC fabrics with Cisco Nexus. [ipSpace]
Redundant server connectivity in L3-only fabrics. [ipSpace]
What I've learned about scaling OSPF in DCs. [ipSpace]
DC switch silicon evolves. [DC Knowledge]
The impact of Tomahawk-4 in DC fabric designs. [ipSpace] [Elegant Network]
You don't need IP renumbering for DR. [ipSpace]
A short history of the spine and leaf. [NANOG YouTube]
MPLS in DC fabrics. [NANOG YouTube]
Demystifying DC CLOS networks. [NANOG YouTube]
Real life data center meltdown. [ipSpace]
How common are DC meltdowns? [ipSpace]
What designs require BGP in the DC? [Packet Pushers]
Disaggregated DC networks are now a reality. [DC Knowledge]
Odd number of spines in leaf-and-spine fabrics. [ipSpace]
Active-active DCs with VXLAN and EVPN. [ipSpace]
Using MPLS+EVPN in the data center fabrics. [ipSpace]
400GE: tips for DC designers. [DC Journal, PDF]
Leaf-and-spine fabric myths. [ipSpace: part 1, part 2, part 3]
Implications of valley-free routing in DC networks. [ipSpace]
DC networks are getting faster and smarter. [DC Knowledge]
Do we need leaf-and-spine fabrics? [ipSpace]
The year of 100GE in DC networks. [DC Knowledge]
Active-active data centers. [Russ White] [NetCraftsmen]
What DC operators need to know about migrating to 400GE. [DC Knowledge]
Optics and the DC. [DC Journal] [Russ White]
Transforming your DC with high-speed migration. [DC Journal]
Avoid summarisation in leaf-and-spine fabrics. [ipSpace]
Is OSPF or IS-IS good enough for my data centre? [ipSpace]
DC design: installing a modern network. [Network Computing]
DC interconnect and performance. [Russ White] [NetCraftsmen]
Microsegmentation. [Russ White] [Dark Reading]
EVPN with MPLS data plane in data centers. [ipSpace]
Planning for high-speed data center migration. [DC Knowledge]
Let’s pretend we run distributed storage over a thick yellow cable. [ipSpace]
Data centers everywhere via fibre. [DC Knowledge]
Data center networking challenges. [DC Journal]
Cross links in a spine and leaf. [Russ White]
Network convergence: how it affects data centers. [DC Journal]
Do we need chassis switches anymore in the DC? [DC Overlords]
Meeting the many needs of data centre interconnect. [GazettaByte]
Spine and leaf fabrics: implicit or explicit compexity? [ipSpace]
Facebook building own fibre network to link data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook's split network backbone. [Russ White] [TheNextPlatform]
MegaSwitch: an interesting new data center fabric. [Russ White] [MegaSwitch PDF]
Why it's a good idea to clear your browser history and cookies. [Graham Cluley]
Why is online surveillance more repressive than ever -- NordVPN. [Voxy]
Why didn't we have leaf-and-spine fabrics decades ago? [ipSpace]
LinkedIn's data center design principles. [Network Computing] [Russ White]
Leaf-and-spine networks vs fabric extenders. [ipSpace]
Building a Layer-2 DC fabric in 2016. [ipSpace]
Do you have a plan for when your ISP goes down? [DC Journal]
Ingress traffic flow in multi-DC deployments. [ipSpace]
Conducting a DR test. [DC Journal]
Scaling L3-only DC networks. [ipSpace]
Navigating the data center networking landscape. [DC Knowledge]
DC fabric segment routing use case. [Russ White: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5]
Optimise your data center: reduce the number of uplinks. [ipSpace, video]
Building WAN infrastructure for the cloud. [Network Computing]
Nokia’s new case for GPON shrinking data center footprints. [DC Knowledge]
DAC cables and modules at 50Gbps / 200Gbps. [The Register]
Inside Facebook networking. [EtherealMind]
Data center fabrics and SDN. [ipSpace]
25GE data center deployment scenarios. [Network Computing]
The data center network of networks. [EtherealMind]
Data center interconnect design considerations. [Network Computing]
Using BGP in data center fabrics. [ipSpace]
Facebook shifts switch to 100G. [EE Times] [DC Knowledge]
Anyone can now build Facbook's data center switch. [DC Knowledge]
All you need are two switches. [ipSpace, presentation] [ipSpace, text]
Next-gen DC interconnect tech enables explosion of online video and cloud services. [DC Knowledge]
What happens when a data center switch fabric fails? [ipSpace]
Addressing the top five DCI challenges. [DC Knowledge]
Details on Google’s massive cloud infrastructure revealed. [ExtremeTech]
Why firewalls won't matter in a few years. [EtherealMind]
Design considerations for north/south flows in the data center. [Lost In Transit]
Design challenge: multiple data centers connected with slow links. [ipSpace]
How the network now defines the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook launches new Iowa data center with entirely new network architecture. [DC Knowledge] [TechCrunch] [Gizmodo]
Facebook's new data center is bad news for Cisco. [Wired]
Photo tour of FB's new Iowa data center. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook's next-gen fabric. [ipSpace]
All you need are two top-of-rack switches. [ipSpace]
The role of internet exchanges in the data center interconnect market. [DC Knowledge]
Evolving the data center network core. [The Open Fabric]
The power of port replication in the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Cisco Nexus data center -- please help validate my design. [Reddit]
Juniper vs Cisco for DC/Core. [Reddit]
Is the data center "one network" or "connected smaller networks"? [EtherealMind]
Is hyperscale possible in networking? [Network Computing]
Cisco-threatening open switch coming from Facebook, Intel, and Broadcom. [Ars Technica]
Facebook's new "Wedge" Open Compute Project network switch. [Reddit] [Facebook] [Business Insider]
Wikipedia's Internet infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
Data acceleration: a game changer for converged infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
IPv6-only data centers: deployment guidelines. [ipSpace] [ipSpace Video]
SNAT vs PBR for server load balancing. [StackExchange]
How much data center bandwidth do you really need? [ipSpace]
Design options in dual-stack data centers. [ipSpace] [ipSpace MP4]
A closer look at data center high availability and service delivery. [DC Knowledge]
The software defined data center meets disaster recovery. [DC Knowledge]
Upgrading from 10GB/s to 40GB/s and beyond. [DC Knowledge]
Secure solutions for data center interconnect. [DC Knowledge]
Optimal solutions for data center connect (DCC). [DC Knowledge]
Data center networks are getting flatter and fitter. [The Register]
VM BPDU spoofing attack works quite nicely in HA clusters. [ipSpace]
Intel wants to kill the traditional server rack with 100Gbps links. [Ars Technica]
Consolidation: shrinking our way to Data Center 3.0. [DC Knowledge]
The world's biggest fibre LAN lives at a nuclear weapons research lab. [Gizmodo]
WAN routing in data centers with Layer 2 DCI. [ipSpace]
Making the case for DDoS protection. [DC Knowledge]
Why anti-DDoS services matter in today's business environment. [DC Knowledge]
Preventing a botnet attack on your data center. [DC Knowledge]
Merchant silicon evolution, 40GigE arriving in 2015, and impact on data center design. [EtherealMind]
Global strategies: communications and network design considerations. [DC Knowledge]
Intra-spine links in leaf-and-spine fabrics. [ipSpace]
The migration path from 10G to 40G and beyond. [DC Knowledge]
Cisco's open networking fabric for data centers and clouds. [Cisco]
Scale your data center. [Cisco]
Long-distance vMotion, stretched HA clusters, and business needs. [ipSpace]
Network virtualisation: a next generation modular platform for the data center virtual network. [Brad Hedlund]
How Google and Facebook will make the leap to lightspeed. [Wired]
Five questions to ask about your 10GE data center. [DC Knowledge]
Redundant data center Internet connectivity -- problem overview. [ipSpace]
Response: redundant data center Internet connectivity. [EtherealMind]
Redundant data center Internet connectivity -- high-level design. [ipSpace] [ipSpace]
Extending the data center into the cloud. [DC Knowledge]
How to build a zero downtime data center network. [DC Knowledge]
Link aggregation with stackable data center top-of-rack switches. [ipSpace]
Building a data center network for 10GBe servers. [DC Knowledge]
WAN technologies help data centers grow and evolve. [DC Knowledge]
Data center modernisation: from smart data centers to enterprise smart grids. [DC Knowledge]
SDN technologies bring data centers closer together. [DC Knowledge]
Prepare your network for hyperconvergence with WAN optimisation. [DC Knowledge]
IBM: nanophotonics will smash data center bottlenecks. [ReadWriteWeb] [DC Knowledge]
Who needs 16 uplinks? Welcome to the 10GE world! [ipSpace]
Large leaf-and-spine fabrics with Dell Force10 switches using 10GE uplinks. [ipSpace]
Stackable data center switches? Do the math! [ipSpace]
Benefits of deploying SFP+ fibre vs 10GBase-T. [DC Knowledge]
Big data for CERN requires a bit network. [DC Knowledge]
Basic introduction to leaf/spine data center networking fabric design. [Brad Hedlund]
Skip the transition: build IPv6-only data centers. [ipSpace]
Is layer-3 DCI safe? [ipSpace]
Don't use IPv6 RA on server LANs. [ipSpace]
Making the case for DDoS protection. [DC Knowledge]
Brocade's data center Ethernet strategy. [EtherealMind]
State of IPv6 in data center gear. [ipSpace]
Data center fabric presentations available online. [ipSpace]
QFabric behind the curtain: I was spot-on. [ipSpace]
High velocity trading rendered visceral. [BoingBoing] [BBC Podcasts]
How to optimise Internet performance. [DC Knowledge]
Virtualisation of data centers: new options in the control and data planes. [DC Knowledge]
Big bandwidth: unlocking a new competitive advantage. [WSJ ATD]
Meeting security challenges in virtualised data centers. [DC Knowledge]
How WAN optimisation can transform disaster recovery. [DC Knowledge]
Rethinking core economics of network growth. [DC Knowledge]
How the QFabric system enables a high-performance, scalable big data infrastructure. [Juniper]
Juniper updates QFabric for mid-sized data centers. [DC Knowledge]
The fastest data center in the west world. [Juniper]
Cisco puts a virtual router in the clouds. [The Register] [DC Knowledge]
High-speed trading: it's all about the nanoseconds. [DC Knowledge]
Network virtualisation. [Network Heresy]
IPv6-only data center. [ipSpace]
Architecting data center networks in the era of big data and cloud. [Brad Hedlund]
What is a virtual network? It's not what you think it is. [Wired]
Exercises to keep your data center on its toes. [The Register]
Optical networks and low latency for data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Full mesh is the worst possible fabric architecture. [ipSpace]
Google, Amazon, and Microsoft swarm China for network gear. [Wired]
Using FC, FCoE or iSCSCI when deploying new gear in existing data center. [ipSpace]
Network convergence: challenges and solutions. [DC Knowledge]
MPLS/VPN in the data center? Maybe not in the hypervisors. [ipSpace]
Super-secret Google builds servers in the dark. [Wired] [Gizmodo]
Server naming conventions, revisited. [DC Knowledge]
The new data center geography. [DC Knowledge]
5 best practices for data center migration. [DC Knowledge: part 1, part 2]
Microsoft network load balancing behind the scenes. [ipSpace]
The network's role in data center efficiency. [DC Knowledge]
Simplify the future by unifying the data center. [DC Knowledge]
IP renumbering in disaster avoidance data center designs. [ipSpace]
Is your network WAN optimisation really helping? [DC Knowledge]
Tips for simplifying your cloud network. [DC Knowledge]
Defining "fabric" in the era of overlays. [Network Heresy]
VM-aware networking improves IAAS cloud scalability. [ipSpace]
Ethernet reaches for the hyper-scale cloud. [The Register]
What are 10 Gigabit ultra short reach (USR) optics? [EtherealMind]
More on 10GBase USR optics. [EtherealMind]
Data center fabric architectures -- almost there. [IOS Hints]
Hadoop network design challenge. [Brad Hedlund]
You can't sell multi-hop FCoE even though it's a consultant's dream. [EtherealMind]
Busting layer-2 data center interconnect myths. [IOS Hints]
Can network architectures break the speed limit? [The Register]
IPv6 adoption in the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Switch fabrics: I/O queues and buffers. [EtherealMind]
FCoE networking elements classification. [IOS Hints]
The battle for the converged data center network. [DC Knowledge]
Packet-Optical data center interconnect networks. [DC Knowledge]
Do we really want 100Gig Ethernet? [The Register]
What is the definition of a switch fabric? [EtherealMind]
Cisco's latest 'fabric'. Really? [Juniper]
Data centers and IPv6: why it matters to you. [DC Knowledge]
High & low: performance and latency matter. [DC Knowledge]
On data center scale, OpenFlow, and SDN. [Brad Hedlund]
How many 10GE ports do you really need? [EtherealMind]
Distributed firewalls: how badly do you want to fail? [IOS Hints]
(V)Cloud architects, ever heard of MPLS? [IOS Hints]
MPLS/VPN in data center interconnect (DCI) designs. [IOS Hints]
When is a fabric not a fabric? [Juniper]
Comparing data center fabrics from Juniper, Brocade and Cisco. [Etherealmind]
Inverse virtualisation for Internet-scale applications. [Brad Hedlund]
Cisco launches two more IPv4-only data center products. [IOS Hints]
How would you use VPLS transport in L2 DCI? [IOS Hints]
So what part of Layer 3 don't they get? [Juniper]
The two roles of the data center network. [Juniper]
Here's now a datacentre network works. [The Register]
Futures review on 40 and 100 gigabit Ethernet. [Etherealmind]
DCI encryption. [DC Knowledge]
The next wave of network convergence. [DC Knowledge]
Ethernet adapts to many data center applications. [Network World]
Routed or switched access layers -- why not both? [PacketLife]
ATAoE for converged DC networks? No way. [IOS Hints]
Google eyes ‘optical express’ for its network. [DC Knowledge]
How Google routes around outages. [DC Knowledge]
Miscellaneous Articles
Active-active and DR data centers. [ipSpace]
DC builds are CNI, so objections may be overruled. [The Register]
How Github learned how hard distributed systems are. [ipSpace] [YouTube]
Microsegmentation terminology. [ipSpace]
How to plan for a DC migration. [Network Computing]
The pros and cons of HCI. [Network Computing]
How to plan a successful DC migration. [DC Knowledge]
Reports of DC deaths are exaggerated. [Network Computing]
Is the future both on and off premise? [EtherealMind]
How a legacy DC with >1000 cabinets was transformed. [DC Knowledge]
Think you want to build your own data center? [DC Knowledge]
Breaking the DCIM paradigm: DC management in a digital world. [DC Knowledge]
Creating the next-gen data center. [DC Knowledge]
Guide to floor optimisation. [DC Knowledge]
How to mitigate hidden security challenges lurking within data centers. [DC Knowledge]
New approaches to physical security requires inside-out assessment. [DC Journal]
Finding strength in numbers: the DC clustering effect. [DC Knowledge]
Make DC monitoring more meaningful. [DC Journal]
How to design a data center in a Norwegian fjord. [DC Knowledge]
Data center physical realities in a software-defined world. [Network Computing]
Be proactive in DC earthquake mitigation. [DC Knowledge]
Most DC outages aren't caused by tech failure. [DC Knowledge]
Perimeter security: strategies for data center protection. [DC Knowledge]
Massive 6-storey data center in a Norwegian mine comes online. [DC Knowledge]
Inside the new Facebook DC in Texas. [DC Knowledge] [Facebook]
Optimise your DC infrastructure: [ipSpace]
Virtualise the servers. [ipSpace]
Ditch the legacy technologies. [ipSpace]
Everything you wanted to know about Google data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Top three disaster recovery mistakes. [Network Computing]
Five tips for choosing your DC wisely. [DC Journal]
Data centre locations: In the city or up the country? [DC Knowledge]
Are you getting everything your data center design is meant to deliver? [DC Knowledge]
Everything you wanted to know about Facebook data centers. [DC Knowledge, DC Knowledge]
What Facebook has learnt from regularly shutting down entire data centers. [DC Knowledge] [Russ White]
One DC standard to rule them all? [DC Knowledge]
DC architecture lessons from Isaac Newton. [Network Computing]
Data center security requires paranoia. [Network Computing]
LinkedIn pushes own data center hardware standard. [DC Knowledge]
Is parcel protocol right for your data transfer needs? [DC Knowledge]
Building a future-proof data center. [DC Knowledge]
Overcoming the six main obstacles to DC performance. [DC Journal]
Optimise your data center: ditch the legacy technologies. [ipSpace, video]
Unexpected recovery might kill your data center. [ipSpace]
Guide to Facebook’s open source data center hardware. [DC Knowledge]
The 'smarter', software-defined data center. [DC Knowledge]
Are software-defined data centers really a new idea? [DC Knowledge]
Designing data centers for the future. [DC Knowledge]
Robotic data center switch automates physical connections. [DC Knowledge]
7 biggest DC migration mistakes -- and how to avoid them. [DC Knowledge]
Data center design -- which standards to follow? [DC Knowledge]
Can you afford to reformat your data center? [ipSpace]
Karl Brumund: building a small DC. [EtherealMind]
Equinix doubles down in one of the Internet's most important locations. [DC Knowledge]
The modern data center: challenges and innovations. [DC Knowledge]
Designing active-active and DR data centers. [ipSpace]
Six facts in high-availability data center design. [DC Knowledge]
Mega data center design: what DuPont Fabros learned from building its biggest facility yet. [DC Knowledge]
How to build a server room: back to basics. [The Register]
Lack of procedure plagues DC industry. [DC Knowledge]
Switch claims Reno site will be world’s largest data center. [DC Knowledge]
DC consolication checklist. [DC Knowledge]
Five data centres you can't live without. [The Register]
Inside the Social Network's data center. [Russ White] [UCSD PDF]
Data Center 2.0 -- the emerging trend in colocation. [DC Knowledge]
Why data centers look the way they do. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook sued: Data center designs 'nicked' for Open Compute. [The Register]
Why you need to x-ray your data center. [ReadWriteWeb]
Four steps to a successful data center migration. [DC Knowledge]
Video tour of Google's South Carolina data center. [DC Knowledge] [YouTube]
Data center design: five key areas of focus. [DC Knowledge]
Security is key: five data center protection questions to keep your data safe. [DC Knowledge]
How Facebook is hacking together a better data center. [Gizmodo]
See what’s buried in the Swiss bunkers turned into secretive data centers. [Wired]
Facebook turned off entire data center to test resiliency. [DC Knowledge]
The last data center on Earth? The case for ‘As-a-Service’ everywhere. [Wired]
The road to software-defined data center. [DC Knowledge]
Software-defined data centers: what lies ahead? [DC Knowledge]
The home data center: man cave for the Internet age. [DC Knowledge]
Data center design: customization vs. personalization. [DC Knowledge]
Redefining system architecture with data at the core. [DC Knowledge]
Four big advantages of multi-tenant data centers. [DC Knowledge]
The data centers of tomorrow will use the same tech our mobile phones do. [Wired]
Google: from 112 servers to a $5B-plus quarterly data center bill. [DC Knowledge] [Google+]
How to better align your data center’s physical infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
Deutsche Telekom touts new data center as ‘Fort Knox’ for German data. [DC Knowledge]
10 of the strangest data center outages. [DC Knowledge]
Get the humans out of the data center. [DC Knowledge]
On policy in the data center: the solution space. [Network Heresy]
Building the part of Facebook no one ever sees. [Gizmodo]
Survey: enterprise data centers fail more often than colos. [DC Knowledge]
Five reasons modern data centers use environmental sensors. [DC Knowledge]
Data center migragion -- critical lessons learnt. [DC Knowledge]
Top 9 mistakes in data center planning. [DC Knowledge]
Data center security lessones from Heartbleed and Target. [DC Knowledge]
Why data centers are popping up in Iowa. [ReadWriteWeb]
What will the data center of 2025 look like? [DC Knowledge]
Creating next-gen visibility in the modern data center. [DC Knowledge]
Equipping the next generation of data center professionals. [DC Knowledge]
The software-defined data center: potential game changer. [Network Computing]
6 considerations in choosing a data colocation provider. [DC Knowledge]
How Facebook flipped the data centre hardware market. [The Register]
New data center design drives efficiency gains for DuPont Fabros. [DC Knowledge]
Professional labeling essential to data center security and audit compliance. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook rethinks how it builds data centers: Lego or IKEA? [DC Knowledge]
Google's first data center. [DC Knowledge] [Google+]
Converging the modern data center layers. [DC Knowledge]
Five great ways to optimise your data center. [DC Knowledge]
Google Glass: a vision for the future of DC maintenance. [DC Knowledge]
Understanding and mitigating risk from DC threats. [DC Knowledge]
Unifying the DC operations with true DCIM. [DC Knowledge]
Tips for preventing data center outages. [Network Computing]
10 key considerations for a successful DCIM project. [DC Knowledge]
AMS-IX opens Internet exchange in the New York market. [DC Knowledge]
Want a unified data center? Don't forget to defrag the admins. [The Register]
7 attributes that help counter data center downtime. [DC Knowledge]
DR site selection: factors and approach. [DC Knowledge]
Next-generation data centers require next-generation security. [DC Knowledge]
The importance of designing seismic certified data centers. [DC Knowledge]
The pros and cons of underground data centers. [DC Knowledge]
A guide to successful data center migration. [DC Knowledge]
Five tips to help secure your data center. [DC Knowledge]
Best practices for lifting and handling data center equipment. [DC Knowledge]
Video: inefficient data center design. [DC Knowledge]
From the ground up: building and efficient data center. [DC Knowledge]
Cut DC costs and complexity by unifying and simplifying DCIM. [DC Knowledge]
Defining the new data center operating system. [DC Knowledge]
Infographic: overcoming data center barriers. [DC Knowledge]
DCIM integration: are IT management tools enough? [DC Knowledge]
A storm of servers: how the leap second led Facebook to build DCIM tools. [DC Knowledge]
What the inside of an NSA data center looks like? [DC Knowledge]
Five tips to boost your DC IQ. [DC Knowledge]
In DR planning, don't neglect home site restoration. [DC Knowledge]
Intel details new visions for the data center. [WSJ ATD] [WSJ]
Learn to unlock the full business value of DCIM. [DC Knowledge]
Important geographic and risk mitigation factors in selecting a data center site. [DC Knowledge]
Using DCIM to create a common data center management approach. [DC Knowledge]
LINX housing IT infrastructure in Interxion London. [DC Knowledge]
Understanding the value and scope of data center commissioning. [DC Knowledge]
Debunking the myths and fears of converged infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
Cisco's data center strategy takes a sharp turn toward applications. [Cisco]
The changing data center landscape. [Juniper]
The modern data center: an integrated world. [DC Knowledge]
Aging infrastructure and evolving threats -- Data Center 2.0 is redefining security. [DC Knowledge]
Modernising vs revolutionising. [DC Knowledge]
Storm-proofing data centers for hurricanes and tornadoes. [DC Knowledge]
Modernising vintage data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Inside Facebook's new Luleå data center. [DC Knowledge] [Ars Technica] [BBC News] [Engadget]
The final phase of construction on a data center facility. [DC Knowledge]
Is building a data center a sign of failure, not success? [ReadWriteWeb]
The hidden beauty of the data center. [DC Knowledge] [DC Knowledge]
The hidden cost of system sprawl. [DC Knowledge]
The robot-driven data center of tomorrow. [DC Knowledge]
Data center design for a mobile environment. [DC Knowledge]
Understanding data center commissioning and its benefits. [DC Knowledge]
Equinix unveils new crown jewel for Ashburn Campus. [DC Knowledge]
Why data centers are shifting towards converged infrastructures. [DC Knowledge]
The Facebook special: how Intel builds custom chips for giants of the web. [Wired]
DCIM: inside the information bubble. [DC Knowledge]
Data center designs for evolving hardware. [DC Knowledge]
The billion dollar data centers. [DC Knowledge]
How to ensure your monitoring meets your needs. [DC Knowledge]
DCK executive guide to data center design. [DC Knowledge]
Designing for high availability and system failure. [DC Knowledge]
Making robust data center design decisions. [DC Knowledge]
Learn how DCIM can save you 30% in data center operations costs. [DC Knowledge]
The importance of networking in data center TCO. [DC Knowledge]
Converging the data center infrastructure: why and how. [DC Knowledge]
The rise of the worker-friendly data center. [DC Knowledge]
How to introduce modern architectures and best practice to the data center. [The Register]
Cisco + Microsoft team to target the data center. [DC Knowledge] [Cisco]
Cisco ports Nexus 1000V virtual switch to Microsoft's Hyper-V. [The Register]
Installing a cloud services router 1000v in VMware ESXi 5.1. [CCIE Blog]
Installing the cloud services router CSR1000v in VMware Fusion. [CCIE Blog]
How can you save up to 30% in data center operation costs? [DC Knowledge]
Managing the data center -- one rack at a time. [DC Knowledge]
Five essential keys to success when relocating a data center. [DC Knowledge]
DCK guide to modular data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Business justifications for a custom data center. [DC Knowledge]
An in-depth guide for data center transformation. [DC Knowledge]
Timelines and potential pitfalls of a custom data center. [DC Knowledge]
Colocation communities are a match for cloud. [DC Knowledge]
Are carrier hotels reliable enough? [DC Knowledge] [John Savageau]
Inside ViaWest's Tier 4 data center. [DC Knowledge]
Custom data centers: responsibilities of the stakeholders. [DC Knowledge]
How Sandy has altered data center disaster planning. [DC Knowledge]
A roadmap for data center transformation. [DC Knowledge]
New eBay metrics help save millions in data center costs. [ReadWriteWeb]
Video: how Facebook manages data centers at scale. [DC Knowledge]
Understanding IT risks. [DC Knowledge]
Microsoft joins Open Data Center Alliance. [DC Knowledge]
10 considerations in building a global data center strategy. [DC Knowledge]
Whatever happened to High Availability? [DC Knowledge]
A forgotten data center cost: lost capacity. [DC Knowledge]
Navigating data center performance challenges with KPIs. [DC Knowledge: part 1, part 2]
Is your DR plan ready? Tips to help you weather the storm. [DC Knowledge]
New approaches to data center consolidation. [DC Knowledge]
Microsoft's evolving data center design. [DC Knowledge]
Microsoft's $1 billion data center. [DC Knowledge]
Transitioning to your own data center. [DC Knowledge]
Video: what lurks beneath your raised floor? [DC Knowledge]
Inside the Gozi bulletproof hosting facility. [Krebs]
Creating data center strategies with global scale. [DC Knowledge]
Decrease costs and gain a competitive advantage by improving DCIM. [DC Knowledge]
Top five data center issues: DCIM to the rescue. [DC Knowledge]
Disaster recovery is not business continuity. [DC Knowledge]
North Carolina's data center corridor: from fibre to servers. [DC Knowledge]
Don't let your data center be overtaken. [The Register]
Why data center managers shouldn't feel threatened by colocation. [DC Knowledge]
2013: say goodbye to the traditional data center. [ReadWriteWeb]
Timelapse of the NCI supercomputer being built. [HardOCP] [YouTube]
Is the future of data centers small and distributed? [EtherealMind]
Colocation decision checklist and best practices. [DC Knowledge]
Inside Facebook's NC data center campus. [DC Knowledge]
Video: Facebook's next-generation servers. [DC Knowledge]
Colocation planning: environmental control and managment. [DC Knowledge]
Video: Level 3's Omaha data center. [DC Knowledge] [YouTube]
In Phoenix, the birth of a data center. [DC Knowledge]
Colocation selection: analysing the workload. [DC Knowledge]
Evaluating a colocation facility. [DC Knowledge]
Colt wants to future-proof the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Sandy's lessons about disaster recovery. [DC Knowledge]
After Sandy, Verizon confronts 'catastrophic failure' at NY cable vault. [DC Knowledge] [The Verge] [ExtremeTech]
Data center maturity: training to make your data center more efficient. [DC Knowledge]
Four reasons to build data center capacity off-site. [DC Knowledge]
Disaster recovery: boost confidence in your plans. [DC Knowledge]
Where servers meet saunas: a visit to Google's Finland data center. [Wired]
Google's data centers: an inside look. [Google Blog] [DC Knowledge] [NZ Herald] [ExtremeTech] [HardOCP] [Google] [Wired] [Stuff] [THG]
Imperial Stormtrooper at Google's data center. [Gizmodo]
Can your data center survive an earthquake? How to know your risk. [DC Knowledge]
Colocation's changing distance factor. [DC Knowledge]
Early warning systems: data center monitoring. [DC Knowledge]
Inside the Oak Ridge supercomputing facility. [DC Knowledge]
Video tour of an Equinix data center. [PacketLife]
Modern data center classifications: which one is right for you? [DC Knowledge]
Factors that lead to successful data center strategies. [DC Knowledge]
Automating data center asset management: it's about time. [DC Knowledge]
Calculating data center costs in virtual environments. [DC Knowledge]
Goodbye silos -- the benefits of converged data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Decrease your costs by improving DCIM. [DC Knowledge]
Guide to data center colocation. [DC Knowledge]
Do you control your data center, or is it controlling you? [DC Knowledge]
10 safety tips on electrocution for the network engineer. [EtherealMind]
An Olympian infrastructure challenge. [DC Knowledge]
Data center disaster preparedness: 6 assurances you should look for in a data center provider. [DC Knowledge]
Key factors impacting TCO. [DC Knowledge]
Integration of data center services and systems. [DC Knowledge]
How Apple's North Carolina data center got built. [TUAW] [GigaOM: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4]
Still no sign of data ships on the horizon. [DC Knowledge]
Applying DCIM in colocation data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Rapid evacuation of a data center. [DC Knowledge] [Slashdot]
Notes from the road: DCIM simplified. [DC Knowledge]
Enabling data center and cloud service management. [DC Knowledge]
What lies ahead for the future of DCIM? [DC Knowledge]
Courting disaster: denial is NOT an option. [DC Knowledge]
Data center governance. [DC Knowledge]
Demand design: beyond 'keeping the lights on'. [DC Knowledge]
DCIM yields return on investment. [DC Knowledge]
How do I select a DCIM tool to fit my data center? [DC Knowledge]
HP developing 'net-zero' data center concept. [DC Knowledge] [Geekzone] [Wired]
The inside scoop on Facebook's data centers. [DC Knowledge]
The Facebook data center FAQ. [DC Knowledge]
What functionality is important for DCIM solutions? [DC Knowledge]
The Apple data center FAQ. [DC Knowledge]
Data center real estate showing maturity. [DC Knowledge]
Integrated approach to DCIM yields best results. [DC Knowledge]
Why do I need DCIM? [DC Knowledge]
A glimpse inside Google's data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Data center design models and trends. [DC Knowledge: part 1, part 2]
UK data bunker features 12-ton blast door. [DC Knowledge]
Comparing the efficiencies of fixed vs chassis switches. [Brad Hedlund]
Are fixed switches more efficient than chassis ones? [ipSpace]
Why flexibility in DCIM is so imporant. [DC Knowledge]
Open Compute shakes up server supply chain. [DC Knowledge]
Choosing a data center colocation site. [DC Knowledge]
How to choose a green colocation provider. [DC Knowledge]
Colocation buyer's guide. [DC Knowledge]
6 questions for your next data center provider. [DC Knowledge]
Coolest job in tech (literally): running a South Pole data center. [Ars Technica]
The four trends driving the future of data center design. [DC Knowledge]
Inside GoDaddy's Phoenix data center. [DC Knowledge] [DC Knowledge]
Data centers will be manned by engineers sleeping in these pods during the Olympics. [Gizmodo] [Wired]
Visa shows off data center "moat". [The Register]
Understanding uptime and data center tier levels. [DC Knowledge]
Scalable, virtualised, automated data center. [ipSpace]
What's the true meaning of DCIM? [DC Knowledge]
The build or buy decision is all about risk. [DC Knowledge]
Data center build or buy: factors to consider. [DC Knowledge]
Data center site selection factors. [DC Knowledge]
Notes from the road: tearing down the silos. [DC Knowledge]
Data center expansion: build or buy? [DC Knowledge]
The Facebook data center project in Luleå. [DC Knowledge]
How Cisco chooses data center locations. [DC Knowledge] [Cisco]
Looking towards big, bold and broad data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Trends for 2012: data center design and operations. [DC Knowledge]
World's data centers refuse to exit ice age. [Wired]
Infographic: the ever-expanding data center. [ReadWriteWeb]
The rise of the local data center. [ComputerWorld] [GeekZone]
Global colocation: consolidation vs diversification. [DC Knowledge]
Problems with Cat6A cables in data center. [EtherealMind]
Rackspace: 'We want to be your OpenStack maniac'. [The Register]
Lights-out data center? Why isn't everyone doing it? [Kip and Gary]
Why Gigamon scares the crap out of me. [Evil Routers]
Can open hardware transform the data center? [DC Knowledge]
Video: Facebook's North Carolina data center. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook to build massive Arctic data center in Sweden. [HardOCP] [Gizmodo] [THG UK] [Gizmodo] [DC Knowledge] [Coolest Gadgets]
Facebook's Swedish data center will be subject to Snoop Law. [The Register]
Video: 60 Hudson and the hidden Internet. [DC Knowledge]
Microsoft data center design evolves in Iowa. [DC Knowledge]
Data center fabric architectures (EuroNOG 2011). [IOS Hints]
Data center design remains a key area of interest. [DC Knowledge]
Discover the key to a more cost-effective data center. [Alcatel-Lucent]
Data center connect solution. [Alcatel-Lucent]
Rayburn: Akamai needs to evolve. [DC Knowledge] [Streaming Media Blog]
Optimising data center design -- 7 best practices. [DC Knowledge]
Video: Cisco's new Raleigh data center. [DC Knowledge]
Gmail: greener than your email? [DC Knowledge]
How the Skype deal can pay off for Microsoft. [DC Knowledge]
Building cost-effective data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Just when you thought it was safe to enter the data center. [The Register]
Video tour: Atlanta's 56 Marietta data center hub. [DC Knowledge]
Building a greenfield data center. [IOS Hints]
The 3 layers of data center management. [DC Knowledge]
Google: at scale, everything breaks. [ZDNet]
A look inside Amazon's data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Steve Jobs provides a look inside the iDataCenter. [DC Knowledge] [The Register]
Video: Cisco's new data center. [DC Knowledge]
Video: Google's data center best practices. [DC Knowledge]
Data center fabric architectures. [IOS Hints]
Video: inside Google's newest data center. [DC Knowledge] [Business Insider]
How Facebook brings a new data center online. [GigaOM]
Top 5 data center white papers. [DC Knowledge]
Case Studies on Data Center Virtualization
Power Monitoring for Modern Data Centers
2011 US Data Center Market Drivers
Guide to Risk Mitigation for Financial Services
Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM)
Video: Google's data center security. [DC Knowledge] [WSJ ATD] [Business Insider] [The Register]
Closer look: HP's Suwanee data center. [DC Knowledge]
Photo tour of Facebook's new data center. [Scobleizer]
Closer look: Next Generation Data's megasite. [DC Knowledge]
Strategies to cut data center costs. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook opens its server, data center designs. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook unveils custom servers, facility design. [DC Knowledge]
Open Compute project. [James Hamilton]
Facebook open sources its servers and data centers. [GigaOM]
Facebook's new data center: smarter, greener and doggone it, people like it. [WSJ ATD]
Closer look: Facebook's Open Compute servers. [DC Knowledge]
Building efficient data centers with the Open Compute project. [Facebook] [Facebook]
Facebook's Open Compute project. []
Video: inside Facebook's server room. [DC Knowledge]
Video: Facebook's 'penthouse' cooling system. [DC Knowledge]
Video tour of Facebook's data center now up. [Scobleizer]
Introduction to data center 3.0. [Network Janitor]
Requirements for building today's data centers. [DC Knowledge]
To the Death Star: tour of LucasFilm's data center. [DC Knowledge] [All Things Digital]
The secret to some of Lucasfilm's magic: nVidia GPU chips. [All Things Digital]
How Japan's data centers manage earthquakes. [DC Knowledge]
Quake & tech: cable damaged, flash supply risk. [DC Knowledge]
Despite the quake, Japan's Internet connections are going strong. [All Things Digital]
Keynote: Internet held up well after Japan quake. [DC Knowledge]
Major Tokyo data centers fuel up for blackouts. [DC Knowledge]
Japan quake: multiple undersea cables damaged. [DC Knowledge] [WSJ] [Light Reading]
Criminals, critters cause utility outages. [DC Knowledge] [Pingdom]
Making data center design more people-friendly. [DC Knowledge]
Fabric computing: Gartner's view for the future data center. [Juniper]
Facebook's expansion: how big, how fast? [DC Knowledge]
Intel's datacentre strategy. [DC Knowledge]
The Swiss "Fort Knox" data center. [DC Knowledge] [Wired]
Inside Cisco's new Texas data center. [DC Knowledge]
Five simple rules for transforming your data center. [DC Knowledge]
How to prevent downtime due to human error. [DC Knowledge]
Google & Facebook: a tale of two data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Ten unique data center designs. [DC Knowledge]
HP unveils "butterfly" data center design. [DC Knowledge]
Capacity planning at Internet scale. [DC Knowledge]
A day in the life of a Facebook engineer. [DC Knowledge]
Google: how we're making the web faster. [DC Knowledge]
Video view: Google’s data center technology. [DC Knowledge]
Juniper's "3-2-1" data center architecture. [Juniper] [DC Knowledge]
Level 3 refines its content delivery network. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook amassing data center space. [DC Knowledge]
The world's largest data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Earthquakes and data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Building mission critical data centers. [DC Knowledge]
Avatar, Hollywood and the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Data center density hits the wall. [Computer World]
The data-crunching powerhouse behind "Avatar". [DC Knowledge]
Network Virtualisation
Measuring virtual network device boot times. [ipSpace]
VMware download and VMware workstation installation. [ipCisco]
Data plane quirks in virtual network devices. [ipSpace]
VNFs and containers: heptagonal pegs and triangle holes. [ipSpace]
Making the dream of NFV a reality. [DC Journal]
A guide to the key elements of NFV usage. [GazettaByte]
Network Function Virtualisation - NFV:
How useful is microsegmentation? [ipSpace]
Software-defined data centers: VMware designs. [Network Computing]
Virtualization in the WAN: where it's headed. [Network Computing]
Hyperconvergence in the network. [Russ White] [ECI Telecom]
Hyperconverged infrastructure: what companies should think. [DC Journal]
What is a hyperconverged infrastructure? [ipSpace]
Three key things to rethink in an era of hyperconverged infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
To YANG or not YANG, that is the question. [ipSpace]
IT automation: what to automate and when? [DC Knowledge]
One third of AT&T's network is now virtualised. [DC Knowledge]
L3 virtualisation and VRFs. [ipSpace]
Deploying network virtualization in the enterprise. [Network Computing]
Running BGP between virtual machine and ToR switch. [ipSpace]
Server virtualisation slides. [The Next Platform]
STP on virtual switches. [ipSpace]
SSL termination on virtual appliances -- another myth busted. [ipSpace]
Do you speak NFV? Time to go back to school and learn. [The Register]
Can virtual routers compete with physical hardware? [ipSpace]
Learning by doing: orphaned DVS uplink. [Network Inferno]
Virtual appliances and shorter lifecycles. [EtherealMind]
Should I use a traditional firewall in a microsegmented environment? [ipSpace]
Do we still need subnets in virtualised networks? [ipSpace]
Open platforms, open networks: the new IP. [ReadWriteWeb]
VMs compared. [The Register]
Hardware gateways in overlay virtual networks. [ipSpace, video]
Purge all the firewall rules. [Network Inferno: part 1, part 2]
How do I get started with SDN and virtualisation? [ipSpace]
The pros and cons of Open Compute. [The Register]
Availability zones in overlay virtual networks. [ipSpace, video]
Overlay networking as a method to scale flow networking and handling. [EtherealMind]
Myths that refuse to die: scalability of overlay networking. [ipSpace]
Cisco puts elastic in the fabric. [The Register]
Telco heavyweights pass packets in NFV demo. [The Register]
Why Cisco is warming to non-ACI data center SDN. [DC Knowledge]
OVN brings networking function to OVS. [Network Inferno] [Network Heresy] [Open vSwitch]
Implementing a zero-trust security architecture. [Network Inferno]
Overlay virtual networks in software-defined data centers. [ipSpace]
The network iceberg -- virtualisation. [Network Static]
Network programmability:
Phase 1: the configured network. [ipSpace]
Phase 2: the provisioned network. [ipSpace]
Connecting virtual routers to the outside world. [ipSpace]
Geneve -- ecosystem support has arrived. [Network Heresy]
Finally: a virtual switch that supports BPDU Guard. [ipSpace]
Physical networks in the virtualized networking world. [Network Heresy]
Virtual switch 101. [ipSpace]
An introduction to Zero Trust virtualization-centric security. [Brad Hedlund]
The DCK guide to the as-a-service revolution. [DC Knowledge]
Complex routing in Hyper-V network virtualisation. [ipSpace]
Is Open vSwitch control plane in-band or out-of-band? [ipSpace]
Overlay virtual networking solutions overview. [ipSpace]
Overlay networking & VXLAN means MPLS in the data center is dead. [EtherealMind]
Death to vMotion. [DC Overlords]
Packet forwarding in Amazon VPC. [ipSpace]
Virtual packet forwarding in Hyper-V network virtualisation. [ipSpace]
An update on using GRE tunnels with Open vSwitch. [Scott Lowe]
Network virtualisation and the end-to-end principle. [Network Heresy]
Can OpenStack be saved from itself? [ReadWriteWeb]
Don't leave network virtualisation to server admins. [Network Computing]
OpenStack adds F5 as member. [The Register]
The power of a consumable data center network design. [DC Knowledge]
OpenStack Quantum (Neutron) plug-in: there can only be one. [ipSpace]
What are the benefits of enterprise-level virtualisation? [Lifehacker]
Migrating a cold VM into a foreign subnet. [ipSpace]
Why is network virtualisation so hard? [ipSpace]
Network virtualisation gets physical. [Network Heresy]
Software defined data centers and the blending of cultures. [Network Janitor]
Visibility, debugging, and network virtualisation. [Network Heresy: part 1, part 2]
Smart fabrics vs overlay virtual networks. [ipSpace]
What is a distributed firewall? [Brad Hedlund]
Virtualisation acceleration in the real world. [DC Knowledge]
Selling management on virtualised infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
Network virtualisation and spaghetti wall. [ipSpace]
What is the software defined data center, and why is it important? [WSJ ATD]
The secret to OpenStack's success. [ReadWriteWeb]
Dynamic routing with virtual appliances. [ipSpace]
Introduction to how overlay networking and tunnel fabrics work. [EtherealMind]
Network virtualisation at TOR switches? Makes as much sense as IP-over-APPN. [ipSpace]
Scale, SDN, and network virtualisation. [Network Heresy]
What is network virtualisation? [Brad Hedlund] [ipSpace]
Hyper-V 3.0 extensible virtual switch. [ipSpace]
Open Compute will begin building network switches. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook crashes into networking with open switch. [The Register] [Ars Technica] [Wired] [ReadWriteWeb]
Open vSwitch under the hood. [ipSpace]
Virtual firewall presentation from Troopers 13. [ipSpace] [ipSpace PDF]
Resiliency of VM NIC firewalls. [ipSpace]
OpenStack: control freak is a platform, just like Android and iOS. [The Register]
Virtualisation: the next frontier. [DC Knowledge]
Ericsson readies carrier-grade OpenStack for telcos and SPs. [The Register]
Steps to protect your data center after virtualisation. [DC Knowledge]
OpenStack isn't our saviour from lock-in or support costs. [EtherealMind]
OpenCompute servers and the impact on networking. [EtherealMind]
OpenStack 101: what is OpenStack? [DC Knowledge]
Hyper-V network virtualisation (WNV/NVGRE): simply amazing. [ipSpace]
The truth about virtualisation security. [Juniper]
Virtual firewall taxonomy. [ipSpace]
What exactly are virtual firewalls? [ipSpace]
Monitoring virtual data centers: how to avoid the virtual blind spot. [DC Knowledge]
Cisco rolls up its own OpenStack distro. [The Register]
Tunneling for network virtualisation. [Network Heresy]
Free, open-source VirtualBox lags behind VMware and Parallels. [Ars Technica]
OpenStack 1.0 specification available now. [EtherealMind] [Open Compute Project]
OpenStack rolls out new features with Folsom. [DC Knowledge] [The Register]
Infrastructure-as-code with OpenStack. [DC Knowledge]
OpenStack gets real. [GigaOM]
Security implications of virtualisation. [Juniper]
First look: Hyper-V 2012 targets VMware's air supply. [Ars Technica]
New ways to disaster recovery using virtualisation. [ReadWriteWeb]
OpenStack gains global traction. [DC Knowledge]
Ex-Akamai man: stop being faithful to your CDN. [The Register]
The great disk drive in the sky: how web giants are storing big -- and we mean big -- data. [Ars Technica]
Servers, Storage, Applications
Latency matters when migrating workloads. [ipSpace] [Lawrence Jones]
Battle of the Infinibands. [Russ White] [TNP]
Infiniband quantum leap. [Russ White] [TNP]
Server performance vs health. [Network Computing]
Routing on hosts deep dive. [ipSpace, ipSpace MP4]
The smart way to move virtual machines. [DC Journal]
Server storage I/O converged / hyper-converged overview. [DC Journal]
Microsoft's open source data center hardware. [DC Knowledge]
FSAN unveils roadmap plans. [GazettaByte]
SAN and NAS basics. [Russ White] [FlackBox]
Serverless architecture pros and cons. [Network Computing]
Scale-out storage architectures. [Network Computing]
Networking advances that improve storage performance. [Network Computing]
Server virtualisation slides. [The Next Platform]
Fibre channel: what is it good for? [DC Overlords]
2015: The year storage was rocked to its foundations. [The Register]
VSAN: as always, latency is the real killer. [ipSpace]
Google gives the world a peek at its secret servers. [Engadget] [Google Blog]
Data centre disk use is spinning down – Wikibon report. [The Register]
At Facebook data centers, new protocol helps add servers faster. [DC Knowledge]
Snowden's NSA leaks have galvanised the storage world. [The Register]
A quick introduction to CoreOS. [Scott Lowe]
Part 1: introduction
Part 2: etcd
Part 3: fleet and docker
IBM demos 154TB tape. [The Register]
Sony nanotechnicians invent magnetic tape that stores 148 Gb per square inch. [The Register]
Connecting legacy servers to overlay virtual networks. [ipSpace]
It's storage's holy grail: VSANs, PSANs and virtual silos. [The Register]
Will micro servers put blade servers out to pasture? [Network Computing]
SSDs: a guide to using flash in the data center. [Network Computing]
FCoE vs FC farce. [DC Overlords]
Redundant server-to-network connectivity. [ipSpace]
Facebook reveals 700TB of tiered RAM and flash power Graph Search. [The Register] [GigaOM]
How Dropbox stores stuff for 200 million users. [DC Knowledge]
Storage disaggregation in the data center. [DC Knowledge]
Google strengthens compute engine with load balancing. [DC Knowledge]
Planning for a cloud-ready distributed storage infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook explains how 'TAO' serves social workloads, data requests. [ZDNet] [The Register]
Presto: Facebook reveals exabyte-scale query engine. [The Register]
Virtual appliance performance is becoming a non-issue. [ipSpace]
Google will track every task on ever data center server. [The Register]
How storage is shaping the cloud data center. [DC Knowledge]
As cloud wars heat up, server OEMs bet on OpenStack. [DC Knowledge]
Exposing the six myths of deduplication. [DC Knowledge]
Does dedicated iSCSI infrastructure make sense? [ipSpace]
Behind Blue Waters: assembly of Cray XE6 blades. [DC Knowledge]
6 tips for selecting HDD and SSD drives. [DC Knowledge]
7 considerations for big data adoption. [DC Knowledge]
Creating an effective data center warehouse strategy. [DC Knowledge]
Hot and cold VM mobility. [ipSpace]
Facebook reveals plan for new archival data center. [The Register]
Who needs HP and Dell? Facebook now designs all its own servers. [Ars Technica]
Big data: why it's not always that big, nor even that clever. [The Register]
Debugging Microsoft network load balancing. [ipSpace]
Facebook scales servers with retooled Chef. [DC Knowledge]
Experiencing heavy server load? Just slow down time. [DC Knowledge]
Truly these are the golden years of storage. [The Register]
Google reveals tape-tastic data center in video. [The Register]
The taxonomy of exascalar. [DC Knowledge]
Hyve brings Facebook's servers to your racks. [DC Knowledge]
Has big data reached its moment of disillusionment? [WSJ ATD]
Video: servers stacked like books on a shelf. [DC Knowledge]
Silicon photonics: the data center at light speed. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook builds exabyte data centers for cold storage. [DC Knowledge]
Facebook shatters the computer server into tiny pieces. [Wired] [HardOCP] [OCP] [Engadget] [DC Knowledge] [ReadWriteWeb] [The Register]
OpenCompute servers and the impact on networking. [EtherealMind]
Solid state storage is taking over the data center -- slowly. [ReadWriteWeb]
This custom data center rack has 160 Mac Minis crammed inside of it. [Gizmodo]
What is big data? [Gizmodo]
Video: Facebook's next-generation servers. [DC Knowledge]
Beyond hardware: software defined storage. [DC Knowledge]
How Amazon followed Google into the world of secret servers. [Wired]
Peta, exa, yotta, and beyond: big data reaches cosmic proportions. [ReadWriteWeb]
Video: big thinkers on big data. [DC Knowledge] [YouTube]
Video: peer research on big data analytics. [DC Knowledge] [YouTube]
The sticking power of tape storage int he age of big data. [DC Knowledge]
Unlock your capacity by unplugging your ghost servers. [DC Knowledge]
Don't use IPv6 RA on server LANs. [ipSpace]
Why everyone -- not just geeks -- should care about big data. [Wired]
Dell's blade data-center-in-a-box better than HPs. [The Register]
The "appliance" approach to big data and private cloud. [Brad Hedlund]
Big data bites back -- how to handle those unwieldy digits. [The Register]
Sparse Data -- the next big thing is small. [DC Knowledge]
Google's Dremel makes big data look small. [Wired]
How big data became so big. [NYT]
Virtualisation of data centers: new options in the control and data planes. [DC Knowledge]
Hypervisor 101: understanding the virtualisation market. [DC Knowledge]
Big data: what do you think it is? [ReadWriteWeb]