General Articles
2025 – News
27-01-2025: Cargo ship seized after submarine cable sabotage. [The Register]
10-01-2025: IP addresses through 2024. [Geoff Huston]
2024 – News
01-08-2024: Is network traffic growth dwindling to a trickle? [GazettaByte]
19-07-2024: Juniper open's AI test lab for customers and partners. [Packet Pushers]
14-05-2024: Africa's Internet vulnerability. [BBC News]
08-04-2024: Subsea cable alternatives get serious attention. [Network Computing]
13-03-2024: Berners-Lee says the Internet needs fixing. [ExtremeTech]
29-01-2024: ICANN proposes .INTERNAL domain. [The Register] [The Verge]
2023 – News
09-12-2023: L4S - the plan to make the Internet feel faster. [The Verge]
06-12-2023: ICANN launches service to help with WHOIS lookups. [Krebs]
13-05-2023: Pakistan shut down the Internet, but failed to stop protests. [BBC News]
09-05-2023: Cloudflare opposes Europe's plan to make Big Tech help pay for networks. [The Register]
19-04-2023: New Zayo submarine cable adds faster, redundant US-UK route. [Network Computing]
10-02-2023: Submarine cable wars heat up as China withdraws from crucial project. [DC Knowledge]
22-01-2023: IP addresses through 2022. [Geoff Huston]
2022 – News
20-11-2022: Looking at the centrality of DNS. [Geoff Huston]
29-09-2022: DNS evolution - innovation or fragmentation? [Geoff Huston]
24-09-2022: Internet fragmentation. [Geoff Huston]
04-08-2022: The graceful and ungraceful evolution away from POTS. [No Jitter]
03-08-2022: Bigger, faster, better -- and cheaper. [Geoff Huston]
10-07-2022: A look at QUIC use. [Geoff Huston]
01-06-2022: The politics of submarine cable in the Pacific. [Geoff Huston]
15-05-2022: The path to resolverless DNS. [Geoff Huston] [ipSpace]
2021 – News
21-12-2021: New submarine cable to link Japan, Europe, through famed Northwest Passage. [The Register]
28-11-2021: How do you turn off the Internet? [BBC News]
25-11-2021: First submarine cable between Europe and South America goes live. [DC Knowledge]
09-11-2021: Cisco uses its ThousandEyes to build Internet outages map. [The Register] [ThousandEyes]
04-11-2021: Why does the Internet keep breaking? [ipSpace]
23-11-2021: Correction -- multithreaded routing daemons. [ipSpace]
29-10-2021: On DNS openness. [Geoff Huston]
27-04-2021: IPv4 in the headlines. [Geoff Huston]
18-02-2021: Global Internet map 2021. [EtherealMind]
2020 – News
08-12-2020: Cloudflare and Apple made a new DNS protocol to protect your data from ISPs. [The Verge]
30-10-2020: Starlink beta speed tests put traditional satellite internet to shame. [ExtremeTech]
30-06-2020: Death of the Internet, GIF at 11. [NANOG 79 YouTube]
13-04-2020: The pandemic puts the Internet's resiliency, and fragility, on display. [DC Knowledge]
13-04-2020: Stretched to its limits, could the Internet break? [Network Computing]
30-03-2020: China, Huawei propose internet protocol with a built-in killswitch. [Engadget]
2019 – News
24-12-2019: Iran internet 'disrupted' ahead of protests. [BBC News]
24-12-2019: Russia 'successfully tests' its unplugged internet. [BBC News] [ExtremeTech] [Engadget]
22-12-2019: China internet rules call for algorithms that recommend 'positive' content. [Engadget]
18-12-2019: Why India shuts down the internet more than any other democracy. [BBC News]
30-10-2019: 50 years ago today, the Internet was born - sort of. [Ars Technica]
12-10-2019: The billion dollar scam to build an Arctic submarine cable. [The Verge] [Bloomberg]
25-08-2019: Tracking online hate groups reveals why they’re resilient to bans. [Ars Technica]
22-08-2019: Researchers propose a new approach for dismantling online hate networks. [The Verge]
17-07-2019: Google’s new switching tech makes its latest subsea cable cheaper and simpler. [DC Knowledge]
05-07-2019: What happens when the Internet breaks? [Networking Nerd]
04-07-2019: Internet outages are getting more serious. [The Verge]
19-06-2019: Exploring the new wave of subsea cables to North America. [NANOG YouTube]
07-06-2019: The catch-22 that broke the Internet. [Wired]
06-05-2019: Peering: reflections about IP Interconnection from the GPF. [EtherealMind] [Leaseweb]
02-04-2019: Global IP traffic forecast by Cisco (2017-2022). [ipCisco]
28-02-2019: Microsoft and Facebook’s record-setting undersea cable sets another record. [The Verge]
16-02-2019: Russia to disconnect from the Internet as part of a planned test. [HardOCP] [ZDNet] [Engadget]
11-02-2019: Russia considers 'unplugging' from internet. [BBC News] [Stuff] [ExtremeTech] [Wired]
26-01-2019: Undersea cable damage wipes out most Internet access in Tonga islands. [Ars Technica]
10-01-2019: Geo IP databases are highly inaccurate. [EtherealMind] [Gizmodo]
2018 – News
26-12-2018: How China helped make the Internet less free in 2018. [Wired]
18-12-2018: Spark gives up its majority stake in Southern Cross Cable as Telstra buys in. [NZ Herald] [Stuff]
30-08-2018: The people pushing a decentralised web. [Russ White] [TheNewStack]
20-07-2018: Hawaiki NZ internet cable opens for traffic. [Stuff] [GeekZone] [ITP Techblog]
17-07-2018: Submarine cables at risk from sea water, experts warn. [The Register] [DC Knowledge]
17-07-2018: Google delivering increased connectivity with first private trans-Atlantic subsea cable. [Google] [The Register] [DC Knowledge] [Engadget]
26-06-2018: Internet cartographers at CAIDA lay out their next five-year plan of probing. [The Register]
22-06-2018: Another 10 years later. [Geoff Huston]
16-05-2018: The internet’s problems haven’t changed in 22 years. [The Verge]
14-05-2018: The Internet is going the wrong way. [Russ White] [Scripting News]
14-04-2018: Whois is dead as Europe hands DNS overlord ICANN its arse. [The Register]
22-02-2018: Big Changes Ahead for Core Internet Protocols. [EtherealMind] [IETF Journal] [Russ White]
24-01-2018: The rapid growth of submarine cables. [NZ Herald]
17-01-2018: Three new submarine cables to link Google cloud data centers. [DC Knowledge] [The Register]
2017 – News
20-12-2017: Sea-Me-We 3 cable down, again, Oz-Asia traffic slows down. [The Register]
01-12-2017: Russia threatens to set up its 'own internet' with China, India and pals. [The Register]
01-11-2017: Low Earth satellite Internet access. [Russ White] [CircleID]
31-10-2017: Facebook, Amazon fund new trans-Pacific submarine cable. [The Register] [BBC News]
04-10-2017: North Korea gets second route to Internet via Russia link. [DC Knowledge]
28-09-2017: Hawaiki Cable Transpacific Cable System ready for installation. [Geekzone]
22-09-2017: Microsoft and Facebook's transatlantic cable completed. [The Register] [HardOCP] [TNW] [EtherealMind] [The Verge] [Engadget]
17-08-2017: We're still on Whois? [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
17-07-2017: How Google wants to rewire the Internet. [Russ White] [TheNextPlatform]
16-07-2017: Equinix: private data exchange is outpacing Internet’s growth. [DC Knowledge]
07-07-2017: The world may be headed for a fragmented "splinternet". [Wired] [HardOCP]
08-06-2017: Cisco visual networking index predicts global annual IP traffic to exceed three zettabytes by 2021. [Cisco News]
03-06-2017: Ethereum: the "next new internet"? [Russ White]
03-06-2017: WiFi now available on Mount Everest. [HardOCP] [VentureBeat]
29-05-2017: NTP updated to spook-harden user comms. [The Register]
04-05-2017: The fat new pipes that link Facebook data centers. [DC Knowledge]
02-05-2017: Transatlantic link typo by Sweden's Telia broke Cloudflare in the US. [The Register]
12-04-2017: No more IP addresses for countries that shut down internet access. [The Register]
05-04-2017: Google invests in INDIGO submarine cable . [Google Blog] [DC Knowledge]
12-03-2017: Tim Berners-Lee has some worries about the web. [Gizmodo] [The Guardian] [NZ Herald]
03-03-2017: The submarine cables funded by cloud giants. [DC Knowledge]
28-02-2017: Amazon outage breaks large parts of the internet. [Engadget] [HardOCP] [Ars Technica] [Gizmodo] [The Verge] [Wired] [The Register]
28-02-2017: Amazon’s web servers are back online after more than four hours of disruption. [The Verge]
01-03-2017: Tuesday's AWS 'S3izure' exposes Amazon-sized internet bottleneck. [The Register]
02-03-2017: How a typo took down Amazon S3. [The Verge] [The Register] [HardOCP] [ComputerWorld] [Gizmodo] [Engadget] [BBC News]
07-03-2017: How to survive a cloud meltdown. [DC Knowledge]
20-02-2017: Do we really need a new Internet? [Russ White] [CircleID]
08-02-2017: Four emerging networking trends. [Network Computing]
18-01-2017: 100 Gbps link to Europe lights up to delight researchers. [The Register]
03-01-2017: Tier 1 carrier performance report. [Russ White] [Noction]
2016 – News
30-12-2016: How Amazon, Google, and Facebook will bring down telcos. [Wired]
16-12-2016: A journey to the bottom of the Internet. [Google Blog] [YouTube]
02-12-2016: Microsoft, IBM, Intel refuse to hand over family jewels to China. [The Register]
28-11-2016: CLI use will dwindle by 2020. [Network Computing]
03-11-2016: 54-Terabit submarine cable linking Asian nations goes live. [DC Knowledge]
02-11-2016: The world's telecoms are under threat from all sides. [Wired]
28-10-2016: AT&T plans to give business customers 400GbE data speeds in 2017. [THG]
19-10-2016: $100m trans-Tasman undersea cable on home stretch. [NZ Herald]
17-10-2016: Space, the ultimate network edge. [DC Knowledge]
12-10-2016: Facebook and Google to build transpacific submarine cable. [DC Knowledge] [Gizmodo] [HardOCP] [Wired]
11-10-2016: Space laser network to beam bandwidth into Equinix data centers. [DC Knowledge]
29-08-2016: Iran rolls out domestic internet. [BBC News]
28-07-2016: Why America beat the Russians at building the Internet. [Gizmodo]
04-07-2016: Internet access is now a basic human right. [Gizmodo]
29-06-2016: Google's undersea cable connecting US and Japan is now live. [Engadget] [Gizmodo] [Wired] [ExtremeTech] [Ars Technica] [EETimes]
26-05-2016: Facebook and Microsoft are building a huge trans-Atlantic data cable. [Engadget] [HardOCP] [Microsoft] [BBC News] [Wired] [Gizmodo] [DC Knowledge]
29-03-2016: Rolling the root. [Geoff Huston]
27-03-2016: DNZ zombies. [Geoff Huston]
22-03-2016: Utilization at ‘net interconnects. [Russ White] [CircleID]
21-03-2016: The evolving role of DNS in today’s Internet infrastructure. [DC Knowledge]
14-03-2016: Transpacific data center connectivity hub launches in Seattle. [DC Knowledge]
22-02-2016: On the Internet everyone is connected to everyone else - right? [Geoff Huston]
07-02-2016: World’s Internet traffic to surpass one zettabyte this year. [HardOCP] [The Telegraph]
2015 – News
29-12-2015: What’s wrong with the Internet? [PacketU]
17-12-2015: User errors often compromise encryption. [Schneier] [MIT]
17-12-2015: When a single e-mail gives hackers full access to your network. [Ars Technica]
16-12-2015: Let's shut down the internet: Republicans vacate their mind bowels. [The Register] [ExtremeTech] [Ars Technica] [Engadget]
18-12-2015: Why Trump can't shut down the Internet. [NZ Herald]
15-12-2015: Transatlantic cable lands in prefab modular landing stations. [DC Knowledge]
12-12-2015: Bittorrent still dominates Internet’s upstream traffic. [HardOCP] [TorrentFreak]
03-12-2015: CloudFlare introduces HTTP/2. [The Register]
01-11-2015: How a group of neighbors created their own Internet service. [Ars Technica]
27-10-2015: Russian Navy’s “aggressive” activity near underwater cables worries US. [Ars Technica] [Gizmodo] [BBC News] [ExtremeTech] [HardOCP] [Quartz] [Wired]
18-09-2015: Internet Doomsday scenario: how the web could suddenly fall apart. [The Register]
18-09-2015: For decades, the public was not allowed to view maps of the US Internet. [Gizmodo]
17-09-2015: FCC demands that providers report on submarine cable faults. [The Register]
09-09-2015: We have a new Internet -- and the Silicon Valley titans built it. [Wired]
18-08-2015: New submarine cable to connect Equinix data centers in New York, London. [DC Knowledge]
07-08-2015: FCC urges carriers to turn off copper networks, upgrade to fiber. [Ars Technica]
03-08-2015: Boffins propose private 100Gbps hypernet. [The Register]
27-07-2015: Telx joins group building US-Asia submarine cable system. [DC Knowledge] [The Register]
21-07-2015: A handy cheat sheet for North Korea’s private “Internet". [Ars Technica]
21-07-2015: Where big ISPs won’t invest, customer-owned ISPs are deploying fibre. [Ars Technica]
30-06-2015: Tonight’s leap second may cause problems for the Internet. [Ars Technica]
05-06-2015: NANOG 64 notes: IPv6 deployment, Google QUIC, scaling forwarding. [Geoff Huston]
28-05-2015: Cisco predicts Rise Of The Machines in new networking index. [The Register]
16-05-2015: The Internet's physical backbone is maxing out. [HardOCP] [Gizmodo] [Engadget] [The Gadgeteer]
11-05-2015: Microsoft invests in several submarine cables in support of cloud services. [DC Knowledge]
04-05-2015: Kill all geoblocks says Internet Society of Australia. [The Register]
01-05-2015: Mozilla: All new web features should require secure HTTP. [Engadget]
29-04-2015: The internet of stupid things. [Geoff Huston]
24-04-2015: IANA drop ego, devise future of DNS, IP addresses, etc. [The Register]
08-04-2015: The plan to build an undersea cable around the US -- and why it's needed. [Gizmodo]
07-04-2015: Open-IX goes global with AMS-IX certification in Amsterdam. [DC Knowledge]
02-04-2015: What it's like to work for Putin's internet troll army. [Gizmodo]
26-03-2015: The end of WHOIS? [EtherealMind]
14-03-2015: Keeping the Internet's past alive -- and "boring as hell". [ReadWriteWeb]
13-03-2015: Google Fiber threat to cable is ‘like ebola’. [HardOCP] [Bloomberg]
19-02-2015: How Internet giants upended the networking hardware business. [Wired]
18-02-2015: HTTP/2 finished, coming to browsers within weeks. [Ars Technica] [The Register] [BBC News] [Hexus] [Gizmodo] [HardOCP] [TNW] [Android Police]
19-02-2015: Prominent developer criticizes HTTP/2 protocol, claims politics drove adoption process. [ExtremeTech]
15-05-2015: HTTP/2 is now utterly officially official. [The Register]
11-02-2015: The Internet of Everything will impact everything, including your next tech job. [Wired]
09-02-2015: Google to speed up Chrome with the next version of HTTP. [Engadget] [The Register]
10-02-2015: Google announces SPDY’s coming demise as HTTP/2 approaches. [Ars Technica]
03-02-2015: Internet Society tries to serve ‘Net providers tasty IPv6-and-DNSSEC salad. [Ars Technica]
29-01-2015: The FCC just redefined broadband so expect faster internet. [Gizmodo] [HardOCP] [Ubergizmo]
28-01-2015: The long, arduous plan to lay a trans-Arctic internet cable . [Gizmodo]
2014 – News
12-12-2014: Google shuts Russian office following Putin's internet crackdown. [Engadget]
19-11-2014: What is the Outernet and is it the future of the Internet? [Gizmodo]
17-11-2014: Cross-section of an undersea cable. [BoingBoing] [Solway Shore Stories]
29-10-2014: Happy 45th birthday, Internet! [Gizmodo]
20-10-2014: The Internet sleeps at night. [Wired]
09-10-2014: Why US broadband is so slow. [ReadWriteWeb]
22-09-2014: The internet's population, mapped by nationality. [BoingBoing] [Oxford]
19-09-2014: Kremlin denies mulling Russian separation from global internet in ‘emergencies’. [GigaOM]
27-08-2014: Time Warner suffers widespread outage. [DC Knowledge] [BBC News] [The Register] [Gizmodo] [BGR] [cNet]
27-08-2014: Time Warner Cable says routine maintenance caused national outage. [Engadget]
24-08-2014: Microsoft tests cloud gaming system that cuts through network lag. [The Register]
21-08-2014: Save the net, break up the NSA. [BoingBoing] [Wired]
14-08-2014: Snowden: The NSA, not Assad, took Syria off the Internet in 2012. [Ars Technica] [Gizmodo] [HotForSecurity]
11-08-2014: Google backs an undersea cable that will give the internet a big speed boost. [Engadget] [GeekZone] [HardOCP] [BBC News] [DC Knowledge]
10-08-2014: Trans-Arctic internet cable project made possible by climate change. [HardOCP] [Gizmodo]
07-08-2014: Submarine cable operator says storms could hit Pacific traffic. [The Register]
30-07-2014: ISPs tell government that congestion is “not a problem,” impose data caps anyway. [Ars Technica]
31-07-2014: Verizon plan to slow data 'troubling', says FCC. [BBC News]
25-07-2014: Messages in the deep -- submarine cable history. [BuiltVisible] [BGR]
25-07-2014: Some Internet measurements. [Geoff Huston]
10-07-2014: How internet providers get around war zones. [BuzzFeed]
07-07-2014: Deep-sea streaming: 500-mile NEPTUNE cabling brings Internet to the ocean floor. [Ars Technica]
02-07-2014: What will the Internet look like in 100 years? [BGR]
19-06-2014: Internet congestion is real, but sporadic. [HardOCP] [ComputerWorld]
18-06-2014: As Iraq censors Internet, Tor usage jumps tenfold. [Daily Dot]
17-06-2014: The shadow Internet that's 100 times faster than Google Fibre. [HardOCP] [Wired] [Gizmodo]
18-06-2014: Careful with 'fibre speed record' hype: which record's been broken? [The Register]
17-06-2014: Cisco predicts global IP traffic will double in the next five years. [IPv6 Act Now] [Cisco]
10-06-2014: Cisco Visual Networking Index predicts annual Internet traffic to grow more than 20 percent (reaching 1.6 Zettabytes) by 2018. [Cisco] [reCode]
06-06-2014: Real-time look at how we waste time online. [Stuff] [PennyStocks]
25-05-2014: Learn how they laid the transatlantic cable back in 1959. [Gizmodo]
23-05-2014: CERN: Build terabit networks or the Higgs gets it! [The Register]
20-05-2014: The age of quantum computing has (almost) arrived. [Wired]
14-05-2014: FCC reaffirms it's considering treating cable companies as utilities. [Gizmodo] [The Guardian]
09-05-2014: Putin requires Russian bloggers to register with the government. [Schneier] [NYT]
28-04-2014: The Internet is being protected by two guys named Steve. [HardOCP] [Buzzfeed] [BGR]
25-04-2014: Surveillance, ICANN transition dominate Brazil NETmundial meeting. [ComputerWorld]
24-04-2014: Vladimir Putin says internet is a 'CIA project'. [The Register]
29-04-2014: Russia 'incompatible with the internet', cries web CEO 'axed by Putin'. [The Register]
23-04-2014: Brazilian president signs internet civil rights law. [The Register]
04-04-2014: This is what the Internet looks like as a subway map. [Gizmodo]
01-04-2014: How major ISPs are reacting to Google Fiber. [BGR]
20-03-2014: Greatest moments in Interop history. [Network Computing]
11-03-2014: NEC, Alca-Lu win Sea-Me-We 5 build contracts. [The Register]
05-03-2014: Interactive map details the undersea cables that wire the entire Internet. [BGR] [Submarine Cable Map]
05-03-2014: This is the room where the Internet was born. [Gizmodo]
27-01-2014: After Snowden: How vulnerable is the internet? [BBC News]
20-01-2014: How to find the Invisible Internet. [BGR]
2013 – News
21-12-2013: Celebrate the crossword's centenary with EFF's NSA-themed crossword puzzle. [BoingBoing] [EFF] [Gizmodo]
19-12-2013: Cable industry finally admits data caps are not about congestion. [HardOCP] [DSLReports]
13-12-2013: The mission to decentralise the Internet. [The New Yorker]
12-12-2013: Bots now 'account for 61% of web traffic'. [BBC News]
07-12-2013: ICANN posts guidelines to avoid gTLD mix-ups. [The Register]
04-12-2013: Beautiful internet maps visualize the striking interconnectedness of the web. [ExtremeTech]
12-11-2013: Merge ahead? Why it’s not time to converge your networks. [Ars Technica]
09-11-2013: Who uses Google's public DNS? [Geoff Huston]
08-11-2013: Will the global NSA backlash break the Internet? [HardOCP] [The Verge]
01-11-2013: Will NSA revelations lead to the Balkanisation of the internet? [The Guardian]
15-11-2013: NSA leaks bolster IETF work on Internet security. [Network Computing]
23-10-2013: Internet domain name expansion no underway. [ICANN] [ReadWriteWeb]
22-10-2013: Why is the internet so insecure? [Stuff]
17-10-2013: Most 'cloud' traffic never sees the cloud. [The Register] [Cisco PDF]
15-10-2013: The big bad Internet. [Geoff Huston]
17-09-2013: The limitations of intelligence. [Schneier]
12-09-2013: IETF floats plan to PRISM-proof the Internet. [The Register]
22-08-2013: 50 shades of statefulness. [ipSpace]
20-08-2013: A question of DNS protocols. [Geoff Huston]
22-08-2013: APNIC boffins may enlist TCP to defend DNS. [The Register]
16-08-2013: ICANN officially kills Google’s plan for dotless Search top level domain name. [DNW] [Engadget] [Gizmodo] [HardOCP] [The Verge]
16-08-2013: The 10 deadliest networking mistakes. [Network Computing]
15-08-2013: Lies, damn lies and DNS performance statistics. [Secure64]
14-08-2013: Meet the hackers who want to jailbreak the Internet. [Wired]
08-08-2013: Rebuilding the Internet from scratch. [HardOCP] [New Scientist]
18-07-2013: DARPA creates hollow-core optical fiber for faster networks, more accurate sensors. [ExtremeTech]
18-07-2013: Submarine cable capacity doubled with flick of switch. [The Register]
15-07-2013: Internet overlords deny Google's 'dotless' domains dream. [The Register]
04-07-2013: DNS, DNSSEC, and Google's public DNS service. [Geoff Huston]
04-07-2013: Arpanet map, March 1977. [BoingBoing] [Cory Doctorow] [HardOCP] [Gizmodo]
03-07-2013: IP addresses: how they shaped the Internet, and how they will influence its future. [IPv6 Act Now] [ITProPortal]
30-06-2013: Saudi Arabia court jails seven Facebook cyber activists. [BBC News]
29-06-2013: Google making the Web faster with protocol that reduces round trips. [Ars Technica]
28-06-2013: Corkscrew lasers are about to revolutionise Internet bandwidth. [Gizmodo] [Science] [The Register]
17-06-2013: How Clearwire became the darling of telecom. [WSJ ATD] [WSJ]
17-06-2013: Blowback from the NSA surveillance. [Schneier]
17-06-2013: Network virtualisation and spaghetti wall. [ipSpace]
13-06-2013: Kiwis urged to speak up on changes to NZ's Internet structure. [Voxy]
13-06-2013: Unravelling the mathematics of the Internet. [Voxy]
11-06-2013: The psychology of conspiracy theories. [Schneier] [NYT]
10-06-2013: How three guys rebuilt the foundation of Facebook. [Wired]
10-06-2013: Five reasons to use a VPN. [GottaBeMobile]
04-06-2013: First 100Gbps trans-Atlantic link for researchers begins testing. [Engadget]
01-06-2013: The company you keep. [Geoff Huston]
31-05-2013: The difference between bits and bytes, and why it matters. [Lifehacker] [TechQuickie YouTube]
28-05-2013: Iran's vote brings receding Internet access. [NZ Herald]
27-05-2013: Light-beam 'twins' take data farther. [BBC News]
24-05-2013: FiOS customer discovers the limits of "unlimited" data: 77TB a month. [Ars Technica]
23-05-2013: Internet2 superfast-boffinry network peers with Azure cloud. [The Register]
22-05-2013: Celebrating 40 years of Ethernet... at the South Pole. [ipSpace]
21-05-2013: This is how AT&T restores its network after a disaster. [PocketNow]
20-05-2013: Illegal numbers: can you break the law with maths? [ExtremeTech]
07-05-2013: Syria has dropped off the Internet, again. [WSJ ATD] [The Verge] [Engadget] [Ars Technica] [Gizmodo] [NYT] [Washington Post] [DC Knowledge] [BBC News] [BoingBoing]
08-05-2013: Trade sanctions cited in hundreds of Syrian domain seizures. [Krebs]
08-05-2013: Syrian internet and phone blackout enters second day. [WSJ ATD]
08-05-2013: Syrian internet back after 19-hour blackout. [BBC News] [NZ Herald] [TNW] [Trusted Reviews] [Engadget]
08-05-2013: Syrian government responds to reports of widespread Internet outage. [CNN]
09-05-2013: Someone may have Tweeted warnings ahead of Syrian internet outage. [WSJ ATD]
15-05-2013: Syria's internet is down for the second time this month. [WSJ ATD] [Google] [Gizmodo]
06-05-2013: Google's Chief Internet Evangelist on creating the Interplanetary Internet. [Wired]
28-04-2013: Boffins strap turbocharger to BitTorrent. [The Register]
27-04-2013: Will Iran's national internet mean no world wide web? [BBC News]
23-04-2013: Akamai: average US Internet speed up 28% YoY, now at 7.4Mbps, but South Korea, Japan and Hong Kong still far ahead. [TechCrunch]
13-04-2013: What should networks do for applications? [Network Heresy]
10-04-2013: Seoul plans anti-GPS jamming system to thwart North Korea. [The Register]
09-04-2013: Syrian terrorists just made it easier for Obama to attack them. [Wired]
07-04-2013: 3Gbps LED light bulb WLAN achieved by Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute. [Engadget]
05-04-2013: Why TCP and HTTP affect web application performance. [ipSpace]
03-04-2013: In wake of gTLD security criticism, ICANN announces emergency back-up registry operators. [ComputerWorld]
03-04-2013: What if they pulled the plug on the Internet? [Stuff]
29-03-2013: Many US businesses in China cite data theft. [WSJ]
29-03-2013: Why China is reading your email. [WSJ]
28-03-2013: Egypt catches divers cutting internet cable. [Stuff] [BBC News] [The Register] [GigaOM] [BoingBoing] [Washington Post] [HardOCP] [France24] [Gizmodo]
02-03-2013: Why undersea cables are more vulnerable than you think. [Wired]
27-03-2013: Off-the-shelf optics kit tweaked for bonkers performance. [The Register]
26-03-2013: Researchers create hollow fibre optic cable, almost reach the speed of light. [Engadget] [The Register] [ExtremeTech] [HardOCP] [Wired]
26-03-2013: VPNs: what they do, how they work, and why you're dumb for not using one. [Gizmodo]
25-03-2013: How relying on algorithms and bots can be really, really dangerous. [Wired]
24-03-2013: Belgian boffins boast after boosting TCP to 50Gbps. [The Register]
22-03-2013: How "dongle" jokes got two people fired, and led to DDoS attacks. [Ars Technica] [NZ Herald] [BBC News] [Stuff]
22-03-2013: "Donglegate" is classic overreaction -- and everyone pays. [Ars Technica]
19-03-2013: Google implements DNSSEC validation for public DNS. [SecurityWeek]
19-03-2013: Researcher sets up illegal 420,000 node botnet for IPv4 Internet map. [The Register]
18-03-2013: Why you shouldn't forget about latency. [Gizmodo]
12-03-2013: Virtualisation: the next frontier. [DC Knowledge]
12-03-2013: Earthquake killed your network? Satellite-over-balloon to the rescue. [The Register]
11-03-2013: The best of MENOG 12. [ipSpace]
10-03-2013: Tim Berners-Lee: the web needs to stay open. [BoingBoing]
12-03-2013: Why Tim Berners-Lee is wrong about DRM in HTML5. [BoingBoing] [The Guardian]
21-03-2013: EFF blasts plans to build DRM into HTML5. [BoingBoing] [EFF]
25-04-2013: Debunking the HTML5 DRM myths. [BoingBoing] [FCF]
01-03-2013: Vint Cerf dreams of an Internet that connects humans to animals and aliens. [Gizmodo] [TED]
27-02-2013: Internet pioneer Danny Hillis: We need a plan B for the Internet. [WSJ ATD] [Wired]
23-02-2013: Multi-stakeholderism and the Internet policy debate. [Geoff Huston]
22-02-2013: North Korea to allow mobile Internet for foreigners. [NZ Herald] [Ars Technica]
04-02-2013: BT to end traffic throttling -- claims capacity is FAT. [The Register]
04-02-2013: Analyst says vendors offer pretend reference customers. [The Register]
01-02-2013: Apps? No root? Your device serves others: Berners-Lee. [ZDNet]
01-02-2013: Huawei achieves 2Tbps for 2066 miles through optical fibre. [THG]
01-02-2013: New map shows how the Internet will travel underwater in 2013. [Ars Technica] [ExtremeTech] [Gizmodo]
31-01-2013: Top cable industry lobbyists admits data caps have nothing to do with congestion. [BGR]
31-01-2013: Power and the Internet. [BoingBoing] [Schneier]
28-01-2013: High efficiency video coding standard H.265 is approved. [Hexus] [ExtremeTech]
28-01-2013: Dramatic drop in copper cable theft across the UK. [BBC News]
27-01-2013: The new H.265 video format. [Gizmodo] [Engadget] [ITU]
21-01-2013: China blocking GitHub via DNS. [TNW]
21-01-2013: Curious activation of Cuba's Internet cable. [BBC News] [IT World] [Engadget] [Ars Technica]
24-01-2013: Cuba first high-speed Internet connection activated. [BBC News]
21-01-2013: Difficult concepts for newbies. [PacketLife]
18-01-2013: Google should be ashamed for paying carriers to handle its traffic. [GigaOM] [The Register]
14-01-2013: Why data caps suck. [BoingBoing] [YouTube] [Gizmodo] [BlogPhilo]
09-01-2013: Vint Cerf's futuristic wine cellar -- and what it means for you. [Ars Technica]
09-01-2013: Vint Cerf: Internet competition has evaporated since dial-up. [Ars Technica]
09-01-2013: Google gets a look at North Korean internet. [NZ Herald]
08-01-2013: The telephone network is obsolete -- get ready for the all-IP telco. [Ars Technica]
06-01-2013: Iran's developing "intelligent software" for censoring social networks. [Gizmodo]
04-01-2013: Google bows down to China on censorship. [HardOCP] [GreatFire] [TechCrunch] [The Register] [BBC News]
03-01-2013: France's second-largest ISP deploys ad blocking via firmware update. [Ars Technica]
08-01-2013: France's second-largest ISP suspends ad blocking for now. [Ars Technica]
01-01-2013: Marking the birth of the modern-day Internet. [Google] [The Register]
03-01-2013: Say bonjour to the Internet's long-lost French uncle. [Wired]
2012 – News
31-12-2012: Should the Internet be a utility? [Gizmodo]
30-12-2012: China launches its own GPS. [THG]
28-12-2012: The long slow death of the landline. [BoingBoing]
26-12-2012: If you like the Internet, don't knock down that building. [DC Knowledge]
24-12-2012: Programming for all. [Ars Technica: part 1, part 2]
23-12-2012: How the Internet became a closed shop. [Stuff]
22-12-2012: 8086 and all that -- revisited. [The Register]
19-12-2012: Data caps just a "cash cow" for ISPs. [Ars Technica]
17-12-2012: Map of Internet exchanges. [Gizmodo] [Internet Exchange Map]
17-12-2012: To flat or to cap? [Geoff Huston]
14-12-2012: How the Internet is changing language. [BBC News]
14-12-2012: Quantum networks may be more realistic than we thought. [Ars Technica]
12-12-2012: Toothpaste, toilet paper, and texting -- say good morning to Gen Y. [Cisco]
12-12-2012: IBM lights up silicon nanophotonics for big data. [DC Knowledge]
10-12-2012: Why does Gmail go down? [DC Knowledge] [Ars Technica] [DC Knowledge] [The Register] [Gizmodo] [Wired]
11-12-2012: Google accidentally transmits self-destruct code to army of Chrome browsers. [Wired]
10-12-2012: North Korea: on the net in the world's most secretive nation. [Schneier] [BBC News]
09-12-2012: Why dictators (don't) shut down the Internet. [Schneier] [BoingBoing] [Vice]
04-12-2012: Who built the Internet? People like Tan Tin Wee. [Wired]
02-12-2012: Internet meeting spurs controversy. [HardOCP] [PCWorld] [Google] [ExtremeTech]
03-12-2012: Internet users shouldn't have to pay the price of this international treaty. [Wired]
04-12-2012: Tim Berners-Lee flags UN net conference concerns. [BBC News]
04-12-2012: ITU approves deep packet inspection standard behind closed doors, ignores huge privacy implications. [TechDirt]
07-12-2012: ITU leaks and hacks: the Internet strikes back. [ReadWriteWeb]
11-12-2012: UN Internet talks deeply divided. [Stuff] [Stuff] [Geekzone] [The Register]
12-12-2012: ITU 'failed', says former policy chief. [cNet]
14-12-2012: US, UK and Canada reject UN Internet treaty. [BBC News] [Gizmodo]
14-12-2012: Internet safe from globalised censorship as UN treaty fails. [Wired] [THG]
14-12-2012: How the UN's game-changing Internet treaty failed. [The Atlantic]
15-12-2012: The UN's telecom conference is finally over. Who won? Nobody knows. [Ars Technica]
17-12-2012: UN Internet focus on security, not freedom. [Stuff]
18-12-2012: Victory for Internet openness. [Stuff]
21-12-2012: Behind closed doors at the UN's attempted "takeover of the Internet". [Ars Technica]
23-12-2012: Calling stumps at WCIT: win, lose, or draw? [Geoff Huston]
29-11-2012: ICANN still the best option. [Stuff]
24-11-2012: Why 'slow light' might just save the Internet. [The Register]
18-11-2012: Israeli military tells citizens to stop broadcasting rocket attacks via social media. [ReadWriteWeb]
09-11-2012: Google blocked in China: another twist in their ongoing cold war. [ReadWriteWeb] [TNW]
09-11-2012: Google access returns to China after brief blocking. [ComputerWorld]
01-11-2012: Sandy's impact: the view from the network. [DC Knowledge] [Engadget]
07-11-2012: Hurricane Irene proved how hard it is to break the Internet. [WSJ ATD] [Renesys]
30-11-2012: Superstorm Sandy and the global Internet. [Geoff Huston]
27-10-2012: Software bugs, cascading failures caused Amazon outage. [DC Knowledge]
25-10-2012: Can a new TCP scheme give wireless a 16-fold boost? [The Register]
23-10-2012: The Internet runs (mostly) on a handshake. [DC Knowledge]
15-10-2012: Remembering Jon Postel -- and the day he hijacked the Internet. [Wired]
01-10-2012: Leonard Kleinrock, the TX-2, and the seeds of the Internet. [Wired]
26-09-2012: Not all traffic is created equal. [Pakman]
23-09-2012: Iran announces plans to create isolated local internet system, fate of global access unknown. [Engadget] [Reuters]
25-09-2012: Iran blocks Gmail, secure Google searches. [Ars Technica] [Gizmodo] [BBC News]
01-10-2012: Gmail access restored inside Iran. [BBC News] [The Register] [Ars Technica] [AFP Google+] [Gizmodo] [Engadget]
22-09-2012: Generic TLDs: who should own them? [EtherealMind] [Internet Governance Project]
21-09-2012: GoDaddy's DNS outage exposes the need for DNS redundancy. [Secure64]
11-09-2012: Why do we call them Internet packets? His name was Donald Davies. [Wired]
06-09-2012: Berners-Lee says no off switch for Internet -- photo proves he's wrong. [BoingBoing] [Yahoo News] [HardOCP] [The Guardian]
04-09-2012: Email will never die -- the man who invented it reveals why. [ReadWriteWeb]
28-08-2012: UK ISPs crippled by undersea cable snap. [The Register]
03-08-2012: Scientists have made the world's first quantum router. [Gizmodo]
27-07-2012: Why Google makes the perfect ISP. [ExtremeTech]
26-07-2012: China arrests thousands in latest Internet crime crackdown. [BBC News]
25-07-2012: The future of networks. [The Register]
24-07-2012: ISPs split over UK open Internet code of practice. [BBC News]
23-07-2012: Why does the IT industry continue to listen to Gartner? [ZDNet]
16-07-2012: US shenanigans over international fibre. [TUANZ]
13-07-2012: Internet defense league will spring into action when dumb laws are proposed. [BoingBoing] [HardOCP] [Internet Defense League] [Engadget] [The Register] [Ars Technica] [TorrentFreak]
06-07-2012: Libya's new rulers fire up Gaddafi's surveillance tech. [The Register]
06-07-2012: Facebook invests in Asian fibre-optic cable network. [WSJ ATD] [ExtremeTech]
01-07-2012: 'Leap second' bug wreaks havoc across web. [HardOCP] [Wired] [Gizmodo] [DC Knowledge] [The Register]
02-07-2012: The inside story of the extra second that crashed the web. [Wired]
05-07-2012: Internet outage last weekend was preventable. [ReadWriteWeb]
30-06-2012: 10 gigabit per second connection between US and China demoed. [Engadget] []
29-06-2012: How long does your ISP store IP address logs? [HardOCP] [TorrentFreak]
28-06-2012: It only took the army 16 years and 2 wars to deploy this network. [Wired]
18-06-2012: The highly productive habits of Alan Turing. [Ars Technica]
17-06-2012: Vint Cerf on Alan Turing's legacy. [BoingBoing] [BBC News]
13-06-2012: Report: the Feds are investigating cable companies over data caps. [Gizmodo] [WSJ]
13-06-2012: Building the next Internet, 250 times faster. [FastCompany]
12-06-2012: New domain name endings set to shake up the 'Net. [BBC News]
07-06-2012: Millenials: they aren't so tech savvy after all. [ReadWriteWeb]
07-06-2012: Whatever happened to intranets? [ReadWriteWeb]
06-06-2012: Berners-Lee: world finally realises web belongs to no-one. [Wired]
06-06-2012: A packet's tale -- how does the Internet work? [Gizmodo] [BoingBoing] [YouTube]
04-06-2012: The UN could seize the Internet, US officials warn. [ReadWriteWeb]
07-06-2012: Vint Cerf: 'communists' want to seize the Internet. [The Register]
11-06-2012: Debunking rumors of an Internet takeover. [NYT]
14-06-2012: Viewpoint: changing the way the Internet is governed is risky. [BBC News]
03-07-2012: ICANN's overlordship of the Internet confirmed again by US gov. [The Register]
10-07-2012: US president issues executive order that gives him control over the Internet. [ExtremeTech]
30-05-2012: This is how big the Internet is. [Gizmodo] [GigaOM] [Cisco]
29-05-2012: The bullseye of America's Internet. [Gizmodo]
29-05-2012: Four signs that America's broadband policy is failing. [Ars Technica]
23-05-2012: How to destroy the Internet. [Gizmodo]
18-05-2012: Meet the man who invented instructions for the Internet. [Gizmodo]
23-04-2012: Gore, Bush, and Berners-Lee rock into Internet Hall of Fame. [The Register]
23-04-2012: Vint Cerf: we knew what we were unleashing on the world. [Wired]
23-04-2012: Hundreds of thousands may lose Internet in July. [HardOCP] [ABC News] [Gizmodo]
20-04-2012: Harnessing web fury: #SOPA, #KONY2012 and #StephenColbert. [ReadWriteWeb]
19-04-2012: EPIC files FOIA request seeking full FCC report on Google. [ZDNet]
11-04-2012: This ISP pledges to always put your privacy first. [BoingBoing] [cNet] [Engadget]
11-04-2012: A quantum network built with two atoms and fibre optic cable. [Ars Technica]
04-04-2012: The battle for Internet governance. [Schneier] [Vanity Fair]
02-04-2012: Don't mess with your DNS. [ReadWriteWeb]
29-03-2012: Vint Cerf attacks European Internet policy. [The Telegraph]
22-03-2012: 10 worst Internet laws of 2012? [HardOCP] [cNet]
20-03-2012: $1.5 billion: the cost of cutting London-Tokyo latency by 60ms. [ExtremeTech]
04-03-2012: FCC seeks comment on who should be allowed to shut down cellular service and when. [BoingBoing] [Ars Technica]
02-03-2012: EFF publishes mobile user privacy bill of rights. [cNet] [HardOCP] [PCWorld]
26-02-2012: Predicting what will be big in 2012. [EtherealMind: part 1, part 2]
24-02-2012: Pakistan requests proposals for a national filtering and blocking system. [EFF]
16-02-2012: The FBI might cut off the Internet for millions of people on 8th March. [Gizmodo]
03-02-2012: The dark web: guns and drugs for sale on the Internet's secret black market. [BBC News, video]
01-02-2012: Predicting what will not be big in 2012. [EtherealMind]
29-01-2012: Google teams with Facebook and Microsoft to phight phishing. [Wired] [BBC News] [The Register]
26-01-2012: Israel sets sights on next-generation Internet. [JDNews]
17-01-2012: The Internet of 2011 vs the Internet of 2010. [ReadWriteWeb]
16-01-2012: Can wireless networks make cabling obsolete? [DC Knowledge]
10-01-2012: Comcast completes DNSSEC deployment. [Comcast]
10-01-2012: The Wired Q&A: ICANN president Rod Beckstrom on 'the biggest change in DNS since dot-com'. [Wired] [The Register] [Wired] [WSJ ATD]
11-01-2012: New gTLDs update, guidebook posted. [ICANN]
12-01-2012: What you need to know about ICANN's new generic TLDs. [ReadWriteWeb]
23-01-2012: Bonfire of the brands: ICANN's top-level domain selloff. [The Register]
07-01-2012: Finally, some copyright infringement notices. [TechSploder]
07-01-2012: The NZ DIA Internet filter status. [GeekZone]
05-01-2012: ICANN to expand top-level Internet domains despite critics. [Reuters]
05-01-2012: Iran clamps down on Internet use. [The Guardian] [Gizmodo] [ReadWriteWeb]
05-01-2012: Vint Cerf: 'The Internet is not a human right'. [The Register] [TechLiberation] [Gizmodo]
02-01-2012: The un-Internet. [WebMonkey]
2011 – News
21-12-2011: EFF releases guide to help travelers defend private data. [Voxy] [EFF]
20-12-2011: KORE Telematics' Alex Brisbourne: the existing Internet of things. [ReadWriteWeb: part 1, part 2, part 3]
13-12-2011: European research on future Internet design -- whitepaper. [EtherealMind]
02-12-2011: Senator floats alternative to Internet blacklisting bills. [Wired]
02-11-2011: Dennis Ritchie, creator of C, bids "goodbye, world". [ExtremeTech]
02-11-2011: Kill switch. [TechCrunch]
19-10-2011: ARPANET's coming out party: when the Internet first took centre stage. [Ars Technica]
11-10-2011: The five levels of ISP evil. [Lifehacker] []
11-10-2011: As expected, alternative DNS systems sprouting up to ignore US censorship. [TechDirt]
19-09-2011: Submarine cable map. [TeleGeography] [Gizmodo]
21-09-2011: The secret world of submarine cables. [ExtremeTech]
23-06-2011: June 23, 1983: DNS test sets stage for Internet growth. [Wired]
22-06-2011: Nazi hunting: how France first "civilised" the Internet. [Ars Technica]
20-06-2011: World braces for domain name explosion. [The Register]
02-05-2011: Inside the Internet: a retro video from the BBC. [ExtremeTech]
02-05-2011: Internet traffic surges on bin Laden news. [DC Knowledge]
02-05-2011: How fast the news spreads through social media. [Sysomos]
02-05-2011: The web breaks news of bin Laden's death, but then buckles under the onslaught. [ExtremeTech]
22-03-2011: Google maps 300TB of real-world Internet speed data. [Ars Technica] [Google PDE]
16-03-2011: Analysis: good and bad for Cisco in Ethernet switching. [TCPmag]
21-02-2011: How the atom bomb helped give birth to the Internet. [Ars Technica part 1, part 2, part 3]
15-02-2011: Cambodia: networking in a world of contrasts. [Network Janitor]
31-01-2011: Huge ISPs want per-Gb payments from Netflix, YouTube. [Ars Technica]
28-01-2011: Internet "kill switch" legislation back in play. [Wired]
30-01-2011: Bypassing the Internet kill switch. [Evilrouters]
25-01-2011: Akamai State of the Internet report spotlights latest global speed trends. [Geekzone]
2010 – News
20-10-2011: Building a firewall for the Facebook generation. [Bloomberg]
20-10-2011: BitTorrent throttling Internet providers exposed. [TorrentFreak] [Lifehacker]
10-12-2010: The week in WikiLeaks. [DC Knowledge]
09-10-2010: Network design -- creativity and compromise. [Etherealmind]
23-09-2010: What's the difference between Kbps and kbps? A lot. [Etherealmind]
15-09-2010: ICANN boss: international domain system in peril. [Ars Technica]
06-08-2010: How the Internet would look as a tube map. [Simply Zesty]
28-06-2010: An Internet 100 times as fast: a new network design could boost capacity. [PhysOrg]
04-05-2010: Designing the future Internet. [Forbes]
31-03-2010: Why Internet connections are fastest in South Korea. [CNN]
31-03-2010: IS-IS + MPLS TE + Native IPv6 = Fail. [IOS Hints]
26-03-2010: The next steps for Google's experimental fibre network. [Google Blog]
18-03-2010: Average IP packet size. [Etherealmind]
18-03-2010: Is Google's network morphing into a CDN? [DC Knowledge]
16-03-2010: How big is Google? [Arbor Networks] [The Register]
16-03-2010: Analysis of Cisco's shrinking high-end routing share. [TCPmag]
16-03-2010: CRS-3 outpacing market demand? [TCPmag]
04-03-2010: Teaching binary and other bases. [Packet Life]
03-03-2010: Lies, damned lies and independent competitive test reports. [IOS Hints]
10-02-2010: Cisco releasing spam RFCs? [Etherealmind]
08-02-2010: The lost souls of telecommunications history. [Ars Technica]
28-01-2010: Spanning Tree 802.1d and RSTP 802.1w. [Cisco Tips & Tricks]
27-01-2010: Auto-negotiation myth. [MPLS VPN]
18-01-2010: EtherChannel considerations. [PacketLife]
15-01-2010: The Internet revealed: a film about IXPs. [YouTube] [DC Knowledge]
12-01-2010: Carriers embrace 10GigE, plan 40 and 100GigE deployments. [TCPmag]
2009 – News
04-01-2009: The history of the Internet. [YouTube]
© Robert Larsen. All rights reserved.