IPv6 News
2025 News
2025-01-23: IPB167 - crossing the 50% IPv6 adoption threshold. [ForwardingPlane]
2025-01-11: Cloudflare tunnel for IPv6 only. [ForwardingPlane]
2025-01-11: New IPv6 documentation prefix. [ipSpace]
2024 News
20-10-2024: The IPv6 transition. [Geoff Huston]
14-10-2024: Vietnam plans to convert all its networks to IPv6. [The Register]
05-02-2024: IPv4 address rentals to make millions of dollars for AWS. [The Register]
2023 News
11-10-2023: APNIC close to completing delegation of its final /8 IPv4 block. [The Register]
18-05-2023: China steps up IPv6 adoption. [Network Computing]
28-04-2023: China again signals desire to shape global IPv6 standards. [The Register]
23-03-2023: The current state of multihoming IPv6. [The Forwarding Plane]
25-01-2023: NSA publishes IPv6 security guidance. [The Register] [NSA PDF] [APNIC]
12-01-2023: State of LDPv6 and 6PE. [ipSpace]
2022 News
01-06-2022: IPv4 tweaks could free up 'hundreds of millions of addresses'. [The Register]
01-05-2022: Are we there yet? [Geoff Huston]
21-04-2022: Hop by hop. [Geoff Huston] [ipSpace]
20-02-2022: Another year of the transition to IPv6. [Geoff Huston]
17-02-2022: Who is squatting IPv4 addresses? [Ben Jojo]
20-01-2022: APNIC: Big Tech's use of carrier-grade NAT is holding back internet innovation [The Register]
04-01-2022: Procuring IPv4 addresses -- wait in line, buy or lease. [Network Computing]
2021 News
15-12-2021: IPv4 address markets. [Geoff Huston]
24-11-2021: AWS introduces IPv6-only networks. [The Register]
21-11-2021: RFC 9098 -- operational implications of IPv6 extension headers. [ipSpace]
06-11-2021: SRv6 is insecure. [ipSpace] [IETF v6ops]
26-07-2021: China sets goal of running single-stack IPv6 network by 2030. [The Register]
22-04-2021: IPv6 fragmentation loss. [Geoff Huston]
10-02-2021: IPv6-only and why it's time to embrace IPv6. [The Forwarding Plane]
08-02-2021: An IPv6 update for 2020. [Geoff Huston]
18-01-2021: Is IPv6 baked enough? [Russ White] [Packet Pushers]
15-01-2021: Addressing 2020. [Geoff Huston]
13-01-2021: China showing signs of brewing IPv6 eruption. [The Register]
04-01-2021: The disjointed state of end user IPv6 on broadband networks. [The Forwarding Plane]
2020 News
07-08-2020: IPv4, IPv6, and a sudden change in attitude. [ipSpace] [apenwarr]
21-07-2020: Boffins detect wide abuse of IPv4 addresses bought on secondary market. [The Register]
30-06-2020: IPv6 adoption over Internet Exchanges. [NANOG 79 YouTube]
2019 News
25-11-2019: RIPE is out of IPv4 addresses -- again. [Ars Technica] [The Register]
29-10-2019: RIPE has not exhausted IPv4 addresses yet. [Packet Pushers]
31-07-2019: Get ready for a literal waiting list for European IPv4 addresses. [The Register]
30-01-2019: Addressing in 2018. [Geoff Huston]
2018 News
31-12-2018: IPv6 in China. [Geoff Huston]
16-10-2018: Visualising the IPv6 address space. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
09-10-2018: Journey to a pure IPv6 campus. [NANOG 74 YouTube]
03-10-2018: The state of IPv6. [Network Collective] [Russ White]
21-09-2018: IPv6 in a WISP. [Russ White] [StubArea51]
13-09-2018: IPv6 adoption through USGv6. [DC Journal] [Russ White]
11-09-2018: Is IPv6 only for the rich? [Packet Pushers]
28-08-2018: IPv6 causes peering issues between top networks. [The Register]
15-08-2018: The state of the IPv4 market. [Russ White] [CircleID]
08-08-2018: IPv6: It's only NAT-ural that network nerds are dragging their feet. [The Register]
06-08-2018: IPv6-only world on the horizon. [EETimes]
18-07-2018: The IPv4 market. [Russ White] [CircleID]
28-06-2018: Time to dump dual-stack networks and get on the IPv6 train – with LW4o6. [The Register]
06-06-2018: Vint Cerf blasts techies for lackluster worldwide IPv6 adoption. [The Register]
06-06-2018: IPv6 makes progress, but much work remains. [Network Computing]
30-05-2018: Internet engineers lambast UN plan to move everyone to IPv6. [The Register] [RIPE Mailing List]
21-05-2018: IPv6 growth is slowing and no one knows why. [The Register]
18-05-2018: What drives IPv6 deployment? [Geoff Huston] [Russ White]
18-04-2018: The last available IPv4 address block has gone. [The Register]
11-04-2018: The next chapter in IPv6 multihoming saga. [ipSpace]
12-03-2018: The IPv4 market. [Russ White] [CircleID]
19-02-2018: How bad is IPv4 address exhaustion? [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
12-02-2018: The future of IPv6. [Russ White] [Arbor Networks]
2017 News
27-11-2017: China plots new Great Leap Forward: to IPv6. [The Register]
04-10-2017: IPv6, the DNS and Big Packets. [NANOG YouTube]
15-08-2017: World’s largest IPv6 network reaches a milestone. [DC Knowledge]
03-08-2017: The IPv4 market. [Russ White] [CircleID]
01-08-2017: LinkedIn passes IPv6 milestone. [Russ White] [LinkedIn Blog]
25-07-2017: IPv6 standardisation. [Russ White] [ipSpace]
12-07-2017: ISPs simplifying customer IPv6 addressing. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
07-07-2017: Crashed RadioShack flogs off its IPv4 stash. [The Register]
20-06-2017: Open IPv6 resolvers. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
14-06-2017: The next five years of IPv6. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
13-06-2017: World IPv6 report. [Russ White] [CircleID] [Internet Society]
23-05-2017: IETF RFC8159 keyed IPv6 tunnel. [EtherealMind] [RFC 8159]
05-05-2017: What IPv6 transitions mechanisms are actually being used? [ipSpace]
21-04-2017: MIT selling 8 million IPv4 addresses. [HardOCP] [GitHubGist]
20-04-2017: Seven steps to successful IPv4 transfers. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
19-04-2017: Governing body declares: No IP addresses for governments that shut down internet access. [ExtremeTech]
19-04-2017: IPv6 extensions are already dead. [EtherealMind]
10-04-2017: Finally a reason not to bother with IPv6: Uh, security concerns...? [The Register] [HardOCP] [Russ White] [ITnews]
10-03-2017: Public IPv4 drought: Verizon Wireless to stop handing out static addresses. [The Register]
15-02-2017: Global IPv4 address drought: Seriously, we're done now. [The Register]
31-01-2017: IPv4 in a world of IoT. [DC Knowledge]
18-01-2017: IPv6 vulnerable to fragmentation attacks that threaten core internet routers. [The Register]
09-01-2017: Studying the IPv4 transfer market. [Russ White] [APNIC]
05-01-2017: The back-door feature problem. [Russ White] [CAIDA, PDF]
2016 News
08-11-2016: IPv4 is over, so quit relying on it in new protocols. [The Register]
29-09-2016: ARIN IPv4 depletion: the aftermath. [Network Computing]
19-09-2016: IPv4 apocalypse means we just can't measure the internet any more. [The Register]
16-09-2016: Google: there are three certainties in life – death, taxes and IPv6. [The Register]
16-09-2016: IPv6 versus v4 performance map. [Russ White] [APNIC]
24-08-2016: IPv6 performance - again. [Russ White] [CircleID]
16-08-2016: Why you finally really need IPv6. [Network Computing]
29-07-2016: This is how you build an IPv6-only data center. [ipSpace] [Hostinger]
28-07-2016: IPv6 now faster than IPv4 when visiting 20% of top websites – and just as fast for the rest. [The Register]
12-07-2016: Measuring IPv6 from the Internet's core. [Russ White] [APNIC Blog]
05-07-2016: Cutting through the IPv6 requirements red tape. [ipSpace]
01-07-2016: How IPv6 enables the connected home. [Network Computing]
22-06-2016: Fraudsters are buying IPv4 addresses. [Schneier] [The Register]
06-06-2016: IPv6 progress report: going mainstream. [Network Computing]
02-06-2016: Cisco warns IPv6 ping-of-death vulnerability is everyone's problem. [The Register]
27-04-2016: IPv6 measurements. [Russ White] [LinkedIn YouTube]
15-04-2016: Declaring IPv6 an Internet standard. [Geoff Huston] [EtherealMind] [Russ White]
10-04-2016: Declaring IPv4 "historic". [Geoff Huston]
29-02-2016: IPv4 market outlook. [Russ White] [CircleID]
01-02-2016: Making IPv6 work. [CircleID]
23-01-2016: Addressing in 2016. [Geoff Huston]
05-01-2016: It's time for IPv6, isn't it? [Networking Nerd]
04-01-2016: IPv6 celebrates its 20th birthday by reaching 10 percent deployment. [Ars Technica] [BBC News] [DC Knowledge]
2015 News
23-11-2015: IPv6 performace. [Geoff Huston]
05-11-2015: There's a problem with IPv6 multihoming. [ipSpace]
24-09-2015: Official: North America completely out of new IPv4 addresses. [The Register] [Wired] [BBC News] [Ars Technica] [HardOCP] [DC Knowledge]
24-09-2015: BT sets date for IPv6 network conversion. [BBC News]
15-09-2015: IPv6 is great, says Facebook. For us. And for you a bit, too. [The Register]
10-08-2015: IPv6 and the swinging technology pendulum. [ipSpace]
05-08-2015: IPv4 address exhaustion in APNIC. [Geoff Huston]
12-08-2015: A second look at APNIC and IPv4 address exhaustion. [Geoff Huston]
14-08-2015: Engineering lessons, IPv6 edition. [Russ White]
03-08-2015: What’s driving IPv6 adoption? An IPv6 epiphany. [Juniper]
14-07-2015: APNIC changes to the way IPv6 measurements are made. [Geoff Huston]
10-07-2015: BT runs trial of IPv6 addressing system. [BBC News]
08-07-2015: IPv6 at Swisscom. [ipSpace] [IPv6 Conference PDF]
22-06-2015: IPv6 is here -- get used to it. [ipSpace]
15-06-2015: An update on IPv6. [Geoff Huston]
13-05-2015: We're running out of Internet. [Gizmodo] [Engadget]
04-04-2015: IPv6 is 20 years old. [ipSpace]
26-03-2015: MLD considered harmful. [ipSpace]
2014 News
03-12-2014: New Bluetooth 4.2 spec brings IPv6, better privacy, and increased speed. [Ars Technica]
11-11-2014: IPv6 adoption: forging the path ahead. [DC Knowledge]
03-11-2014: IPv6 web starts to look like the internet we know. [The Register]
21-10-2014: Belgium leads the world in IPv6 adoption. [IPv6 Act Now] [Google]
20-10-2014: Hurricane Electric Expands IPv6 network to more Equinix data centers in Europe and Asia. [DC Knowledge]
03-10-2014: IPv6 adoption in the UK. [IPengineer]
30-09-2014: Global IPv6 traffic is growing, DDoS dying, says Akamai. [The Register]
29-08-2014: IPv6 adoption starting to add up to real numbers: 0.6 percent. [Ars Technica]
07-08-2014: IPv6 and the VCR. [IPv6 Act Now] [Networking Nerd]
07-08-2014: RIPE and ARIN start testing for longer-than-/24 reachability. [IPv6 Act Now] [ARIN] [RIPE]
30-07-2014: IPv6 holds the future of the connected car. [IPv6 Act Now] [IT Pro Portal]
25-07-2014: IPv6 deployment faces a skills shortage, says California IPv6 task force. [IPv6 Act Now] [Information Week]
23-07-2014: IPv6 traffic doubles in six months, according to Akamai. [IPv6 Act Now] [Computer World]
19-06-2014: Latin America going IPv6-only. [Secure64]
15-06-2014: IPv4 shortage is now becoming a reality - what is needed for IPv6 to work? [StackExchange]
13-06-2014: Proof the net needs to move to IPv6 IP addresses: Microsoft runs out of U.S. address space. [PCWorld]
11-06-2014: Pv4 exhaustion in the LACNIC region. [IPv6 Act Now] [LACNIC] [The Register]
23-05-2014: The car industry's need for IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID]
23-05-2014: Milestone reached on road to IPv4 exhaustion. [IPv6 Act Now] [NRO]
20-05-2014: ARIN IPv4 run-out tracking. [Reddit]
09-05-2014: Five misperceptions about ARIN IPv4 depletion. [IPv6 Act Now] [ARIN]
07-05-2014: Slow IPv6 adoption is a good thing as IETF plans privacy boost. [The Register]
29-04-2014: ARIN IPv4 runout. [IPv6 Act Now] [ARIN] [DC Knowledge]
25-03-2014: Facebook is close to having an IPv6-only data center. [ipSpace] [DC Knowledge]
18-03-2014: IPv4 depletion (and IPv6). [Reddit]
03-03-2014: IPv6: sweet spots of adoption. [Network Computing] [IPv6 Act Now]
27-02-2014: IPv6 adoption: here at last. [Network Computing]
17-02-2014: Whatever happened to the IPv4 address crisis? [ComputerWorld]
12-02-2014: IPv6 deployment rate continues to accelerate. [IPv6 Act Now] [Internet Society]
29-01-2014: Report shows Europe is leader in IPv6 deployment. [IPv6 Act Now] [Akamai]
06-01-2014: IPv6 deployment: religion and reality. [ipSpace]
03-01-2014: China approves city trials of IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [TelecomPaper]
2013 News
10-12-2013: IPv6 at the OECD. [Geoff Huston]
22-11-2013: Mitigating a IPv6 malformed packet multicast flood. [StackExchange]
28-10-2013: Blighty's laziness over IPv6 will cost us on the Internet. [The Register]
06-09-2013: Vint Cerf wants public outcry over ISPs' IPv6 delays. [IPv6 Act Now] [TechWeek Europe]
30-08-2013: IPv6 to complicate the threat-intelligence landscape. [Network Computing]
20-08-2013: Where is the IPv6 traffic coming from? [IPv6 Act Now] [GCN]
14-08-2013: IPv6 adoption on the rise. [IPv6 Act Now] [Network Computing]
12-08-2013: Hurricane Electric makes Canada IPv6ier. [DC Knowledge]
26-07-2013: Exactly when is ARIN going to run out of IPv4 addresses? [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID] [Geoff Huston]
24-07-2013: Ovum: IPv6 update 2013. [IPv6 Act Now]
17-07-2013: When will the world be entirely IPv6? [IPv6 Act Now] [Network World]
03-07-2013: IP addresses: how they shaped the Internet, and how they will influence its future. [IPv6 Act Now] [ITProPortal]
26-06-2013: IPv6 pollution on the Internet. [IPv6 Act Now] [RIPE Labs]
12-06-2013: A year on: Geoff Huston takes a look with CircleID at the past year in IPv6 deployment. [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID]
12-06-2013: The switch to IPv6 is on: who's out in front? [IPv6 Act Now] [GCN]
11-06-2013: At the current rate, IPv6 won't be fully implemented until 2148. [IPv6 Act Now] [VentureBeat]
10-06-2013: India aims for IPv6 conversion by 2017. [IPv6 Act Now] [InformationWeek]
30-05-2013: NRO calls for greater investment in IPv6 deployment. [IPv6 Act Now] [NRO]
30-05-2013: IPv6 traffic forecast to grow nearly twenty-fold by 2017. [IPv6 Act Now] [Networking Planet]
10-05-2013: Cisco IOS TCP MSS handline on IPv6. [ipSpace]
02-05-2013: IPv6 is key to India's development, says telecoms minister. [IPv6 Act Now] [CIOL]
29-04-2013: IPv6 deployment is one of 2013's top 10 tech trends. [IPv6 Act Now] [WSJ]
29-03-2013: A lightbulb that does IPv6: you know you want it. [The Register]
10-03-2013: China's Internet architecture gives the rest of us a run for our money. [Gizmodo] [New Scientist] [DailyTech]
16-01-2013: IPv6 makes mobile networks faster. [ExtremeTech] [IT World] [IPv6 Act Now] [Tech World]
15-01-2013: What we can expect from the Internet in 2013. [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID]
05-01-2013: IPv6 takes one step forward, IPv4 two steps back in 2012. [Ars Technica]
01-01-2013: Addressing 2012 -- another one bites the dust. [Geoff Huston]
2012 News
12-11-2012: ISOC awards execs for 'extraordinary dedication to IPv6 deployment'. [IPv6 Act Now] [Network World]
02-11-2012: Merit Network's darknet experiment. [IPv6 Act Now] [Merit] [RIPE Labs]
25-10-2012: Preparing for IPv6 more important than ever. [IPv6 Act Now] [ITProPortal]
15-10-2012: IPv6 first-hop security: ideal OpenFlow use case. [ipSpace]
30-09-2012: US government paves the way to IPv6. [HardOCP] [ENP]
28-09-2012: US government on track to miss its own IPv6 deadline. [The Register]
25-09-2012: The impact of World IPv6 Launch. [IPv6 Act Now] [RIPE/Google]
24-09-2012: Reaching the last /8. [IPv6 Act Now] [RIPE]
21-09-2012: IPv4 address transfer markets are forming where we least expected. [Ars Technica]
19-09-2012: ARIN enters phase two of the IPv4 countdown plan. [EtherealMind] [ARIN]
18-09-2012: UK government is squatting on 1.67 million unused IPv4 addresses. [BoingBoing] [HMG e-petitions] [jgc.org]
17-09-2012: State of IPv6 in data center gear. [ipSpace]
17-09-2012: NZ MoH moves to new Internet IPv6 system. [Voxy]
16-09-2012: IPocalypse: what's next for the 'End of the Internet'? [EtherealMind]
14-09-2012: RIPE in Europe runs dry. [IPv4 Depletion] [RIPE] [Ars Technica] [Hexus] [The Register]
07-09-2012: CTO, Comcast: we believe in convergencel; we believe in change. [IPv6 Act Now] [Telecoms]
07-09-2012: Are you part of the 1%? [IPv6 Act Now] [InformationWeek]
20-08-2012: How the Air Force is flying toward IPv6. [ReadWriteWeb]
09-08-2012: Do you need IPSec to run IPv6? [ipSpace]
02-08-2012: IPv6 on its way to conquer the world after World IPv6 Launch. [Ars Technica]
16-07-2012: IPv4 addresses now driving hosting deals. [DC Knowledge]
16-07-2012: Analyst-driven IPv6 deployment. [ipSpace]
09-07-2012: Father of Australian Internet warns of address crunch. [Wired]
19-06-2012: IPv6: still on the radar. [IPv6 Act Now] [ICANN Blog]
19-06-2012: From IPv4 to IPv6: sustaining the growth of the Internet. [IPv6 Act Now] [ITProPortal]
16-06-2012: Texas and the IPv6 map. [IPv4 Depletion Site] [txv6tf.org]
08-06-2012: The Pirate Bay evades ISP blockade with IPv6, can do it 18 quintillion more times. [ExtremeTech]
08-06-2012: IPv6: when do you really need to switch? [IPv6 Act Now] [ZDNet]
06-06-2012: Ovum: the importance of IPv6. [Voxy]
05-06-2012: Internet co-creator Vint Cerf welcomes IPv6 elbow room. [cNet] [Fix6] [DC Knowledge] [Ars Technica]
05-06-2012: Nominum survey of world's leading ISPs shows nearly 60% plan to roll out IPv6 by end of 2012. [Fix6] [Nominum]
04-06-2012: The security paradox of IPv6; shoring up the holes. [Forbes]
31-05-2012: FBI: new Internet addresses could hinder police investigations. [cNet] [Gizmodo]
21-05-2012: The future is forever: the state of IPv6 in the Apple world. [Ars Technica]
11-05-2012: IPv6 -- it's not an option. [Evil Routers]
03-05-2012: IPv6: Europe ahead in new address scheme. [BBC News]
27-04-2012: Beware of IPv6 security goblins, IETF warns. [Ars Technica]
24-04-2012: IPv6 now deployed across entire T-Mobile US network. [ExtremeTech]
19-04-2012: Facebook enabling IPv6 access for developers next month. [WebProNews]
14-03-2012: UK and US lagging on IPv6 adoption as Norway leads the way. [IPv6 Act Now]
12-03-2012: IPv6 by the numbers. [IPv6 Act Now] [DaniWeb]
12-03-2012: Networks announcing IPv6 -- one year later. [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID]
12-03-2012: IPv6 - the independent "man in the middle". [IPv6 Act Now] [Computer Weekly]
01-03-2012: Anyone can get more IPv6 PI space -- buy more RAM? [ipSpace]
20-02-2012: First IPv6 DDoS Internet attacks seen. [ZDNet] [ExtremeTech]
20-02-2012: Broadcast industry must face up to IPv6 migration at last. [IPv6 Act Now] [ReThink]
08-02-2012: Public-sector focus at government IPv6 event. [Voxy]
29-01-2012: T-Mobile USA testing IPv6 on select devices -- here is what it all means (and yes, no more NAT). [Android Police]
09-01-2012: ThinkBroadBand's year in review 2011 -- highlight includes IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [ThinkBroadBand]
06-01-2012: IPv6 promotional push will shift gears at CES. [IPv6 Act Now] [ReadWriteWeb]
02-01-2012: Looking back at 2011. [IPv4 Depletion]
World IPv6 Launch 2012
19-06-2012: The impact of IPv6, and why it matters. [DC Knowledge] [World IPv6 Launch]
07-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch: steps to IPv6. [Juniper]
06-06-2012: IPv6 Launch: the day the Internet avoids disaster. [IPv6 Act Now] [Huffington Post]
06-06-2012: Industry lights up IPv6 addresses. [IPv6 Act Now] [Telecoms]
06-06-2012: Google, Facebook and Yahoo switch to IPv6 for World IPv6 Launch. [IPv6 Act Now] [v3]
06-06-2012: Trillions of new net addresses now possible. [BBC News]
06-06-2012: IPv6 lands today, do you copy? [Engadget]
06-06-2012: IPv6 Day: only the biggest change to the Internet since its inception. [Time]
06-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch Day. [HardOCP] [ThinkBroadband]
06-06-2012: It's World IPv6 Launch Day: welcome to the wider web. [THG]
06-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch Day: escaping the IPocalypse. [ExtremeTech]
06-06-2012: New Internet has arrived -- now what? [WSJ ATD]
06-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch Day is key for Internet of things. [ReadWriteWeb]
06-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch: keeping the Internet growing. [Google]
06-06-2012: IPv6 Task Force supports world launch. [Voxy]
05-06-2012: Techies beg world to join the 1% on IPv6 launch day. [The Register]
05-06-2012: The new Internet starts now. [Gizmodo]
05-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch Day. [Juniper]
04-06-2012: Internet industry gears up for World IPv6 Launch. [IPv6 Act Now] [TechWorld]
04-06-2012: World IPv6 Launch: the Internet will permanently change on 6 June. [Fix6] [New Europe]
04-06-2012: Roundup: enthusiasm builds for IPv6 Launch. [DC Knowledge]
31-05-2012: FBI: new Internet addresses could hinder police investigations. [cNet]
01-06-2012: IPv6 & IPv4 will co-exist for a long time. [ENP]
01-06-2012: Rehearsals over, IPv6 goes prime time June 6. [Network World]
03-06-2012: Three things to know about IPv6 as World IPv6 Day approaches. [ZDNet]
04-06-2012: The security paradox of IPv6: shoring up the holes. [Forbes]
29-03-2012: With World IPv6 Launch, IPv6 on by default will be the new normal. [IPv6 Act Now] [Ars Technica]
24-01-2012: 2012 and IPv6 is coming to town. [IPv6 Act Now] [TRCB News]
24-01-2012: IPv6 Launch Day countdown: 135 days and counting. [IPv6 Act Now] [BCW]
24-01-2012: World IPv6 Launch Day set to aid net address switchover. [IPv6 Act Now] [BBC News]
24-01-2012: Companies pledge support for World IPv6 Launch Day. [IPv6 Act Now] [Social Barrel]
19-01-2012: World IPv6 Launch: this time it's for real. [Ars Technica]
18-01-2012: 6th June 2012: IPv6 goes live. [Engadget]
18-01-2012: Countdown to 6th June IPv6 transition begins at Google. [DailyTech]
17-01-2012: World IPv6 Launch solidifies global support for new Internet protocol. [ISOC] [Google] [Geekzone] [Cisco] [BBC News]
2011 News
19-12-2011: Evolving Networks' prediction for 2012 -- IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Industry Today]
19-12-2011: IPv6 -- get ready for the transition... and avoid becoming obsolete. [IPv6 Act Now] [SecurityInfoWatch]
19-12-2011: Google IPv6 internal network delivers benefits. [IPv6 Act Now] [ComputerWorldUK]
19-12-2011: IPv6 Task Force makes steady progress. [IPv6 Act Now] [Voxy]
19-12-2011: Testing shows IPv6 is becoming deployable in customer edge routers. [IPv6 Act Now] [ComputerWorld]
19-12-2011: IPv6: a universal language. [IPv6 Act Now] [Eurasia Review]
19-12-2011: 300 trillion reasons to switch to IPv6, according to load balancer companies. [IPv6 Act Now] [InfoTech]
09-12-2011: Usenix: Google deploys IPv6 for internal network. [ITworld]
09-12-2011: Entering 2012, cable well-positioned on IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [BTR]
09-12-2011: The rate of IPv4 depletion and IPv6 adoption in Europe. [IPv6 Act Now] [IDG Connect]
06-12-2011: A new low for Borders: selling IP addresses for $12. [Gizmodo]
06-12-2011: Europe warns ISPs and businesses to act now and adopt IPv6 ASAP. [IPv6 Act Now] [ISPreview]
05-12-2011: IPv6: it's now reality, not theory. [IPv6 Act Now] [GCN]
02-12-2011: Europe needs to move to IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [The Inquirer]
24-11-2011: Amount of IPv6 traffic. [IPv4 Depletion Site]
21-11-2011: From IPv6 day to IPv6 everyday. [IPv6 Act Now] [CircleID]
18-11-2011: IPv4 is running out of time. [IPv6 Act Now] [ITP]
11-11-2011: Andrews & Arnold -- affordable IPv6 router just around the corner. [IPv6 Act Now] [Think Broadband]
10-11-2011: Comcast pushes IPv6 forward. [IPv6 Act Now] [betanews] [HardOCP] [Ars Technica]
07-11-2011: Time to embrace IPv6, not run from it. [IPv6 Act Now] [Forbes]
01-11-2011: Adventures in tech: taking the plunge into IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now: part 1, part 2] [The Register: part 1, part 2]
28-10-2011: Will the sky fall if you don't deploy IPv6? [IPv6 Act Now] [Network World]
27-10-2011: Interest in IPv6 booms despite. [IPv6 Act Now] [TechWorld]
20-10-2011: Threat to open Internet as 32-bit addresses run out. [IPv6 Act Now] [ComputerWorld]
20-10-2011: The transition from IPv6 to IPv6 -- will it be smooth? [IPv6 Act Now] [EzineMark]
14-10-2011: Where are we with IPv6? [IPv6 Act Now] [ITProPortal]
14-10-2011: IPv6 to the rescue! [IPv6 Act Now] [Pipeline]
12-10-2011: Prepare for massive and explosive cellular growth. [IPv6 Act Now] [IT Business Edge]
07-10-2011: The Geek Squad answers your IPv6 questions. [IPv6 Act Now] [Fox News]
07-10-2011: HP launches consulting service to help firms transition to IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [V3]
07-10-2011: Do I need IPv6 in my enterprise (again)? [IOS Hints]
29-09-2011: CloudFlare unveils free IPv6 translation service. [IPv6 Act Now] [TechWorld]
16-09-2011: Report from the TXv6TF summit. [IPv4 Depletion Site]
09-09-2011: Brief: how to prepare for IPv6 networking. [IPv6 Act Now] [ReadWrite Enterprise]
08-09-2011: IPv6 migration: do it for the right reasons. [IPv6 Act Now] [Network World]
05-09-2011: London 2012 needs IPv6 at the starting gun. [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6] [ZDNet]
02-09-2011: Consumer electronics industry addresses addresses. [IPv6 Act Now] [Digital Media Wire]
02-09-2011: The four horsemen of the apolcaypse, class of 2011: IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6] [law.com]
25-08-2011: IPv6 or bust. [TCPMag]
10-08-2011: In the wake of World IPv6 Day, browsers resist IPv6 brokenness -- but should they? [Fix6] [Ars Technica]
28-07-2011: IPv6 'brokenness' problem appears fixed. [Fix6] [Network World] [ComputerWorld] [CIO]
27-07-2011: IPv4 addresses for sale. [IPv4 Depletion Site] [Fix6]
06-07-2011: What you need to know about IPv6 migration. [IPv6 Act Now] [Computing]
22-06-2011: Are you ready for IPv6? [IPv6 Act Now] [IT Web]
19-06-2011: Predicting ARIN's depletion date. [IPv4 Depletion Site]
08-06-2011: Spamhaus releases IPv6 blocklists strategy. [Fix6] [Spamhaus] [Spamhaus statement]
07-06-2011: IPv6 transition strategies. [Juniper Forums] [Juniper]
06-06-2011: Test your browser's IPv6 readiness with a simple web page. [Lifehacker] [Google]
25-05-2011: Amazon Web Services moving toward IPv6. [IOS Hints]
19-05-2011: All our lightbulbs will have IP addresses. [Gizmodo] [Fast Company]
14-05-2011: Vint Cerf wants you to use IPv6. [Fix6]
09-05-2011: Should your home broadband connection be IPv6 ready right now? [IPv6 Act Now] [PC&Tech Authority]
26-04-2011: IPv6 in the enterprise may happen unexpectedly fast. [Network World]
21-04-2011: IPv4 addresses priced at $4 on new trading site. [The Register] [TradeIPv4]
25-04-2011: Need IPv4 addresses? Get 'em here. [Network World]
16-04-2011: Predicting RIPE's depletion date. [IPv4 Depletion] [Fix6]
15-04-2011: APNIC runs out of IPv4. [IPv4 Depletion]
14-04-2011: It's official: Asia's just run out of IPv4 addresses. [ZDNet]
15-04-2011: Small ISPs losers as APNIC exhausts IPv4. [TechWorld AU]
15-04-2011: IP registry goes to defcon 1 as IPv4 doomsday nears. [The Register]
15-04-2011: No more addresses: Asia-Pacific region IPv4 well runs dry. [Ars Technica]
15-04-2011: APAC IPv4 exhausted, becomes first region unable to meet IPv4 demand. [Fix6]
12-04-2011: What does IPv6 mean to your network? [DC Knowledge]
12-04-2011: Four steps on the path to IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Network Computing]
11-04-2011: Prepare security networks for IPv6: Internode. [IPv6 Act Now] [CIO]
07-04-2011: Securing IPv6. [Cisco]
06-04-2011: DMVPN: another IPv6 failuer. [IOS Hints]
31-03-2011: Burnrate > 3 x /8 per month. [IPv4 Depletion]
30-03-2011: IETF lifst /48 recommendation for end sites. [PacketLife] [RFC 6177]
23-03-2011: Nortel selling IP addresses to Microsoft for $7.5 million. [Total Telecom] [Fix6] [IGP] [BBC] [HardOCP] [Business Insider]
23-03-2011: Court approves Nortel's sale of IPv4 addresses to Microsoft. [Fix6]
22-03-2011: Cisco launches two more IPv4-only data center products. [IOS Hints]
13-03-2011: IPv6 percolates, IPv4 regurgitates. [Fix6]
10-03-2011: Renumbering the net. [The Economist]
03-03-2011: What's next with IPv6? [IPv6 Act Now] [Network World]
01-03-2011: The depletion of IPv4 and the transition to IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Daily Observer]
28-02-2011: When will Ars Technica add IPv6 to its website? [Fix6] [Ars Technica]
25-02-2011: The 6 biggest misconceptions about IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6] [Network World]
21-02-2011: Cerf: future of Internet doesn't include IPv7. [IPv6 Act Now] [PCWorld]
19-02-2011: Ask Ars: how should my organisation approach the IPv6 transition? [Ars Technica]
16-02-2011: The rise of IPv6. [Fix6] [IPv6 Act Now] [Telecom Reseller]
10-02-2011: Under the microscope: what the end of IPv4 means for marketers. [IPv6 Act Now] [MarketingVOX]
07-02-2011: Last blocks of net addresses get handed over. [IPv6 Act Now] [BBC News]
04-02-2011: Final IPv4 addresses doled out. [Trusted Reviews]
03-02-2011: IPv4 address depletion adds momentum to IPv6 transition. [eWeek]
03-02-2011: IPv6 marks the next chapter in the history of the Internet. [Google]
03-02-2011: No easy fixes as Internet runs out of addresses. [Wired]
03-02-2011: River of IPv4 addresses officially runs dry. [Ars Technica]
03-02-2011: Final 5 distributed. [IPv4 Depletion Site]
03-02-2011: Free pool of IPv4 address space depleted -- IPv6 adoption at critical phase. [IPv6 Act Now]
03-02-2011: Goodbye to a couple of old friends. [Network World]
02-02-2011: The IPv4 long tail. [Juniper]
02-02-2011: RIRs make significant announcement. [PacketLife] [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6] [NRO]
02-02-2011: World shrugs as IPv4 addresses finally exhausted. [The Register]
01-02-2011: World IPv4 stocks finally run out. [eWeek] [IPv6 Act Now]
01-02-2011: Oh noes! The Internetz is almost out of IP addresses. [Gizmodo]
01-02-2011: Web running out of addresses. [WSJ]
This is it! [IPv4 Depletion Site]
26-01-2011: Vint Cerf on IPv4 depletion: 'Who the hell knew how much address space we needed?' [Engadget]
26-01-2011: 2nd February 2011? [IPv4 Depletion Site]
21-01-2011: The sky is not falling, and IPv6 will take to the air. [Juniper]
20-01-2011: IPocalypse: what's next for the "end of the Internet"? [Etherealmind]
21-01-2011: IPv6 -- /48 allocation in /64 chunks -- that's a lot of addresses. [Etherealmind]
23-01-2011: Why allocating a /64 is not wasteful and necessary. [Etherealmind]
19-01-2011: The IPocalypse is nigh -- forced allocation of IPv4 to RIRs next week? [EtherealMind]
19-01-2011: Don't panic: the web isn't full to capacity -- yet. [The Independent]
18-01-2011: What advertisers and agencies need to know about IPv6. [MediaPost]
17-01-2011: GogoNET releases 16 hours of IPv6 videos. [Fix6]
17-01-2011: What management reads about IPv6 addresses. [PacketLife] --> [MarketWatch]
12-01-2011: IETF IPv6 address allocation policy being updated. [Etherealmind]
10-01-2011: Addressing in 2010. [CircleID]
10-01-2011: The big IPv6 experiment. [H-Online]
09-01-2011: Looking back at 2010. [IPv4 Depletion Site] [Fix6]
07-01-2011: Set aside policies. [Fix6] [IPv4 Depletion Site]
05-01-2011: How to successfully access a dual-stacked Internet. [TCP/IP World]
05-01-2011: US government releases two IPv6 papers. [CircleID] [Fix6]
Guidelines for the Secure Deployment of IPv6.pdf
Potential Impacts on Communications from IPv4 Exhaustion and IPv6 Transition.pdf
World IPv6 Day 2011
19-07-2011: Six weeks after World IPv6 Day, what have we learned? [Ars Technica]
08-07-2011: Yahoo: what we learned on IPv6 Day. [DC Knowledge]
05-07-2011: IPv6 enabled networks before and after World IPv6 Day. [CircleID]
11-06-2011: Week in tech: surfing the IPv6 Internet using in-flight WiFi. [Ars Technica]
09-06-2011: World IPv6 Day a success, demonstrated global readiness for IPv6, says ISOC. [Fix6]
09-06-2011: World IPv6 Day: conclusions. [InfoQ]
09-06-2011: World IPv6 Day went mostly smoothly, with a few surprises. [Ars Technica]
09-06-2011: World IPv6 Day fails to kill the Internet. [The Register]
09-06-2011: IPv6 Day provides test-drive for Internet transition. [DC Knowledge]
08-06-2011: So far, so good with World IPv6 Day. [ComputerWorld]
08-06-2011: World IPv6 Day celebrated by Google, Facebook, Bing and others. [Hexus]
08-06-2011: World IPv6 Day is finally here. [IPv4 Depletion Site]
08-06-2011: Web giants promote new IPv6 internet address system. [BBC News]
08-06-2011: World IPv6 Day and New Zealand. [Geekzone]
07-06-2011: Can't reach your favourite site? IPv6 may be to blame. [ComputerWorld]
07-06-2011: World IPv6 Day looms: what might break (and how to fix it). [Ars Technica]
07-06-2011: World IPv6 Day: are you ready? [ExtremeTech]
06-06-2011: World IPv6 Day begins 24 hours from now. Websites, start your engines. [Google Blog]
06-06-2011: World IPv6 Day signals time to modernize the Internet. [IPv6 Act Now] [eWeek]
04-06-2011: What your business can expect on World IPv6 Day. [IPv6 Act Now] [PCWorld] [IT World]
31-05-2011: IPv6 Day: will users feel the stress of worldwide tests? [IPv6 Act Now] [GCN]
04-05-2011: June 8th: the day your phone won't stop ringing. [IOS Hints]
02-05-2011: World IPv6 Day update. [Fix6]
02-05-2011: NTT Communications Group to join World IPv6 Day. [Fix6] [Sun Herald] [Digital Journal] [IT News]
02-05-2011: Xbox.com to participate in World IPv6 Day. [Fix6] [This is Xbox]
15-03-2011: World IPv6 Day will provide a chance to test how well Internet-based apps will transition to IPv6. [IPv6 Act Now] [Continuity Central]
07-03-2011: World IPv6 Day -- list of participants. [IPv6 Act Now] [Internet Society] [Fix6]
08-02-2011: World IPv6 Day: update. [Fix6] [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6] [Fix6] [Fix6] [Fix6] [Fix6]
07-02-2011: World IPv6 Day: Bing joins forces. [Fix6] [Bing]
03-02-2011: Juniper actively participating in World IPv6 Day. [Juniper]
03-02-2011: World IPv6 Day: Bing taking decisions to the next generation of the Internet. [IPv6 Act Now] [Bing]
02-02-2011: Juniper Networks to participate in World IPv6 Day. [Fix6] [Juniper]
02-02-2011: Tech giants to enable IPv6 on "World IPv6 Day" in June. [Ars Technica]
24-01-2011: Cisco and Verizon enlist in 24-hour IPv6 trial. [Network World] [Fix6] [IPv6 Act Now]
12-01-2011: World IPv6 Day. [Google] [ISOC] [Network World]
2010 News
25-12-2010: IPv4 - IPv6 migration: what should you do? [Computing]
20-12-2010: US military strong-arming IT industry on IPv6. [Network World]
28-09-2010: Cisco eats its own IPv6 dog food. [Network World]
20-12-2010: IPv6 deployment in 2010: how far along are we? [BGPmon]
14-12-2010: IPv6: rumours are more accurate than predictions. [Fix6]
10-12-2010: Name you need to know: IPv6. [Forbes]
10-12-2010: How much IPv6 address space should a residential customer get? [IOS Hints]
02-12-2010: Small-site multihoming in IPv6: mission impossible? [IOS Hints]
01-12-2010: 97% of Internet now filled up. [The Register] [Ars Technica]
29-11-2010: Why DNS blacklists don't work for IPv6 networks. [Fix6]
25-11-2010: Scheduling the IPocalypse. [Etherealmind]
01-12-2010: Requirements for IPv6 in ICT equipment. [IOS Hints]
08-11-2010: IPv6 addressing: how wrong can you get it? [IOS Hints]
29-10-2010: DHCPv6 relaying: another trouble spot? [IOS Hints]
28-10-2010: Q&A with ARIN's John Curran on the IPv6 transition. [DC Knowledge]
27-10-2010: DHCPv6 over PPPoE: total disaster. [IOS Hints]
26-10-2010: IPv6 for mobile networks: time to act now! [Fix6]
22-10-2010: Why IPv6? Vint Cerf keeps blaming himself. [Network World]
18-10-2010: Remaining IPv4 address space drops below 5%. [IPv6 Act Now] [Fix6]
14-10-2010: IPv4 exhaustion -- what about Class E addresses? [PacketLife]
13-10-2010: IPv6 momentum? [Fix6]
13-10-2010: IPv6 and the fear of brokenness. [Fix6]
12-10-2010: Ready or not, here's IPv6. [eWeek]
12-10-2010: Graph shows decline of IPv4 has been mostly linear. [Fix6] [RIPE Labs]
11-10-2010: InternetNZ says businesses not aware of IPv6. [Geekzone] [InternetNZ]
07-10-2010: Will I lose customers if I enable IPv6 on my web site? [Network World]
30-09-2010: There is no plan B: why the IPv4-to-IPv6 transition will be ugly. [Ars Technica]
29-09-2010: Migrating services to IPv6. [IPv4 Depletion] [Fix6]
28-09-2010: Fed's IPv6 plan a "game changer". [Computer World]
28-09-2010: A look at 9 years of RIPE database objects: IPv6 objects on the rise. [RIPE Labs]
17-09-2010: Akamai: why our IPv6 upgrade is harder than Google's. [ComputerWorld]
14-09-2010: Organisations urged to stop delaying IPv6 deployment. [IPv6 Act Now]
08-09-2010: The Internet is running out of IPv4 gas. [ZDNet]
02-09-2010: Native IPv6 at home. [RIPE Labs]
02-09-2010: Verizon advocates IPv6 adoption. [Verizon, podcast]
02-09-2010: Free (Iliad Group) implements Cisco carrier-grade IPv6 solution. [Cisco]
01-09-2010: The IPv6 "experts" strike again. [IOS Hints]
26-08-2010: IPv6 is being deployed, but not in the expected places. [Network World]
24-08-2010: Verizon: businesses need to move on IPv6. [Network World]
23-08-2010: Suggestion for Internet search engines and their scoring algorithms. [Go6]
20-08-2010: More IPv6 FUD being thrown at CFOs. [IOS Hints]
18-08-2010: Why you shouldn't worry about IPv6 just yet. [PC Pro]
09-08-2010: Psst -- interested in some lightly-used IP addresses? [Fix6] [CircleID]
06-08-2010: How to succeed with IPv6. [GCN]
06-08-2010: Defcon speaker calls IPv6 a security nightmare. [The Register]
05-08-2010: Interesting graph - IPv6 allocations since 1999. [RIPE Labs] [Fix6]
03-08-2010: Deploying IPv6? Demand responsiveness from vendors, content providers. [TechTarget]
03-08-2010: IPv4 addresses could dry up by year's end. [TCP Mag]
25-07-2010: Tainted blocks? [IPv4 Depletion]
24-07-2010: Google finally indexing the IPv4 Internet. [Fix6]
22-07-2010: China Telecom pilots IPv6. [Information Week]
22-07-2010: Internet will soon be running on IPv4 address fumes. [Ars Technica]
21-07-2010: Less than 1 year until the Internet runs out of addresses. [ReadWriteWeb]
21-07-2010: India plans to introduce IPv6 by 2012. [PCWorld]
20-07-2010: IPv6 "Ripeness": the hard numbers on ISPs and deployment rates. [CircleID] [Fix6]
14-07-2010: What you need to know about IPv6. [IT World]
14-07-2010: Less than a year until IPv4 exhaustion. [DC Knowledge]
06-07-2010: What you need to know about IPv6. [PCWorld]
29-06-2010: ARIN's guide to IPv6 preparedness. [TMCnet]
24-06-2010: 'Internet crunch' won't impact defense networks. [US DoD]
22-06-2010: APNIC says ISPs need to treat IPv6 seriously, but downplays IPv4 panic. [CommsDay]
17-06-2010: Run on IPv4 addresses could exhaust supply by December. [Network World]
17-06-2010: Scraping the bottom of the IPv4 barrel for new addresses. [Ars Technica]
17-06-2010: Rocky Mountain IPv6 summit detailed agenda of presentations. [RMv6TF]
10-06-2010: Facebook begins deploying IPv6. [DC Knowledge]
09-06-2010: IPv6 ripeness - the sequel. [RIPE Labs]
09-06-2010: IPv6 autoconfiguration: too many cooks spoil the broth. [IOS Hints]
07-06-2010: IPv6 vs carrier-grade NAT. [Computer World]
01-06-2010: Is NAT64 a subset of NAT-PT? [IOS Hints]
29-05-2010: Cyber attackers are using IPv6 to tunnel into networks. [Earth Times] [Digital Journal] [Sun Herald]
29-05-2010: Top IPv6 sites. [MPLS VPN]
27-05-2010: Are you ready for the big Internet crunch? [CNN]
26-05-2010: An explanation of the Internet protocol. [LCF Review]
26-05-2010: IPv6 will rescue the Internet. [BigThink]
26-05-2010: IPv4: classes and subnets. [Richard Allen Hughes]
24-05-2010: The digital divide on IP addresses. [CircleID]
22-05-2010: Importance of IPv6 stressed. [TopNews]
21-05-2010: Take IPAM seriously: your business depends on it. [CircleID]
19-05-2010: Move to IPv6 critical as internet reaches limits of growth. [Silicon Republic]
18-05-2010: No room at the internet. [Sydney Morning Herald]
18-05-2010: How widespread is IPv6 on mobile phones? [IOS Hints]
17-05-2010: RIPE NCC's managing director Axel Pawlik: is the IPv4 address space finally about to be depleted? [Computing]
14-05-2010: Weekend project: transition to IPv6. [Linux.com]
13-05-2010: IPv6: D-Day coming for ISPs. [Network World]
12-05-2010: IPv6: circling the IPv4 wagons for a last stand. [CircleID]
12-05-2010: Concern over lack of IPv6 uptake as IP address D-Day looms. [IT Pro]
12-05-2010: The Internet is running out of addresses. [The Buzz Blog]
11-05-2010: Broadband providers & router manufacturers failing to support IPv6. [Think Broadband]
11-05-2010: Internet approaches addressing limit. [BBC News]
10-05-2010: Governments need to take the lead in IPv6 adoption. [eGov Monitor]
06-05-2010: IPv6 /127 prefixes. [PacketLife]
05-05-2010: Fears of IP address black market largerly unfounded. [Ars Technica]
04-05-2010: IPv6 myths are alive and well. [IOS Hints]
03-05-2010: IPv4 addresses might run out sooner than expected. [TMCnet]
01-05-2010: Start reconfiguring your network for IPv6. [CED Magazine]
29-04-2010: Time to upgrade the internet: IPv6 vs IPv4. [ThinkDigit]
28-04-2010: IPv6: are we there yet? [Renesys]
23-04-2010: IPv4's Last Day: What Will Happen When There Is Only IPv6? [Enterprise Networking Planet]
22-04-2010: NRO report highlights strong growth in both IPv4 and IPv6 allocations. [IPv6 Act Now]
15-04-2010: NBN must have IPv6 enabled: ISOC-AU. [Computer World]
14-04-2010: NRO and OECD highlight that IPv6 deployment is too slow. [IPv6 Act Now]
29-03-2010: Yahoo wants two-faced DNS to aid IPv6 deployment. [Ars Technica]
26-03-2010: Yahoo proposes 'really ugly hack' to DNS. [Network World] [Computer World] [CIO]
26-03-2010: Google, Microsoft, Netflix in talks to create shared list of IPv6 users. [Network World]
24-03-2010: Comcast, Netflix report rise in IPv6 activity. [Network World]
23-03-2010: IPv4 squatting: awareness raising and research. [ICANN]
22-03-2010: Day One - Exploring IPv6. [Juniper]
19-03-2010: IPv6 Internet in VRF over IPv4 MPLS cloud. [MPLS VPN]
17-03-2010: Using 6to4 for IPv6 at home. [PacketLife]
15-03-2010: It's time to prepare for IPv6. [Voice & Data]
15-03-2010: Is IPv6 finally on the verge? [Light Reading]
11-03-2010: Seven IPv6 networking myths that don't match reality. [TechTarget] [IOS Hints]
07-03-2010: IPv6 Internet in VRF over MPLS. [MPLS VPN]
04-03-2010: IPv6 addressing architecture for service providers. [MPLS VPN] [ARIN Wiki]
03-03-2010: First test labs for next-generation IPv6 are accredited. [Physorg]
03-03-2010: IPv6 from MPLS. [MPLS VPN]
01-03-2010: Survey of IPv6 availability on commercial firewalls. [ICANN]
28-02-2010: DE-CIX also hits 2Gbps IPv6 traffic. [Fix6]
26-02-2010: IPv6 myths. [IOS Hints] [CCIE Journey]
25-02-2010: With IPv4 addresses running out, Comcast starts IPv6 project. [Yahoo Tech]
24-02-2010: gogo6 introduces DS-lite service on Freenet6. [Forbes]
24-02-2010: NIST announces draft guidelines for the secure deployment of IPv6. [NIST]
22-02-2010: The evolution of networking. [WindowsITPro]
22-02-2010: Why should VoIP people care about IPv6? [Internet Dagarna]
17-02-2010: IPv6 migration. [IET]
12-02-2010: Martin Levy discusses the global urgency to deploy IPv6. [Virtualization Journal]
12-02-2010: My customers are not interested in IPv6... what can I do? [IOS Hints]
10-02-2010: Are you ready for IPv6? [Network Computing]
09-02-2010: IP addresses dwindle as economies recover. [Computer World]
02-02-2010: YouTube turns on IPv6 support and net traffic spikes. [PC World] [The Register] [DC Knowledge]
31-01-2010: Google enables IPv6 on YouTube. [Fix6]
29-01-2010: ICANN head sounds policy alarm on rapidly shrinking Internet space. [IP Watch]
28-01-2010: Comcast IPv6 trial plans for 2010. [Fix6] [CircleID] [Ars Technica]
27-01-2010: Less than 10% of IPv4 addresses remain unallocated. [NRO]
27-01-2010: IPv6 or IPv4 -- what will we see in the first wave of LTE networks? [CircleID]
27-01-2010: Australia leads the way in IPv6 education networks. [Computer World]
25-01-2010: Visualising IPv4 addresses on the Internet. [Tech Republic]
25-01-2010: IPv6 CPE router requirements. [IOS Hints]
22-01-2010: Growth in IP addresses despite global slowdown. [Voice & Data]
22-01-2010: 2009, the year before IPv6 took off? [RIPE Labs]
21-01-2010: Web sites must support IPv6 by 2012. [Network World]
21-01-2010: >90% of IPv4 address space is used -- IPv6 is looking mess. [Ars Technica]
19-01-2010: Less than 10% of IPv4 addresses remain unnallocated. [IPv6ActNow]
18-01-2010: IPv4 not dead yet. [Enterprise Networking Planet]
17-01-2010: We're running out of time. [Digitas Gravitas]
06-01-2010: The road to IPv6 is paved with NATs. [Network Computing]
06-01-2010: A tale of two protocols: IPv4, IPv6, MTUs and fragmentation. [The ISP Column]
05-01-2010: IPv4 runs low faster than IPv6 is adopted. [Network Computing]
02-01-2010: Will the internet run out of IP addresses in 2012? [Sci-Tech Today]
2009 News
23-12-2009: Australian ISPs have been called "timid" when it comes to providing support for IPv6 services. [IT Wire]
22-12-2009: China Telecom announces IPv6 commercial service. [Digaria]
22-12-2009: Transition to IPv6 is taking some time. [Cable360]
11-12-2009: Australian IPv6 Summit talks. [ipv6.org.au]
23-11-2009: Hurricane Electric are now connected to over 600 IPv6 networks. [Earth Times]
20-11-2009: Google adding IPv6 to YouTube. [Network World]
16-11-2009: Untunneling IPv6. [RIPE Labs]
07-07-2009: Hurricane Electric welcomes IPv6 rivals. [Network World]
NZ ISP Survey – June 2009
Interesting statistics on IPv6 adoption. Survey page is here.
IPv6 Installation Base
21% : Already installed.
10% : Install within 1 year.
21% : Install between 1 and 2 years.
11% : Install between 2 and 4 years.
37% : No plans to install.
Key summarised points:
21% : Already installed.
31% : Install within 2 years.
37% : No plans to install.
Barriers to IPv6 Installation
42% : Lack of resources (cost/time).
37% : Other business needs taking priority.
37% : A lack of user demand.
21% : Equipment interoperability issues.
16% : Lack of knowledge, education, training, and skills.
16% : Unavailability of upstream IPv6 transit.
11% : Lack of vendor support.
05% : Restrictive IPv6 allocation policy.
11% : Other issues.
11% : Did not respond.
2008 News
18-04-2008: Understanding IPv6 NAT-PT. [CCIE Blog]
© Robert Larsen. All rights reserved.